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  1. A short weekly Eso Podcast by ItsZiz
  2. I think it was a fantastic idea, a really great way to get people talking about your game and a fantastic way to ensure a strong start. I don't understand all the hate though, how does the digital pre-order or imperial items affect anyone but the people who buy them? There are no stat buffs (which other games have done) and no balance altering items, the xp boost is for you and 1 player who you choose to play with frequently (very similar to recruit a friend) which seems like another savvy business idea. Personally, I was gonna wait to purchase the game, but this pre-order package got me hook, line and sinker. Seems to me they thought of a really good way to get people to digitally pre-order months in advance, that money is sure to be used to pump out additional content.
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