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Everything posted by Niraba

  1. Collector's Editions have a longstanding history of offering a lil somethin' somethin' extra for people that want to spring for it. Star Wars CE had physical items and 7 in game items including a mount. Rift had physical items and three in game items including a mount. GW2 had physical items and 5 in game items. Age of Conan had physical items and in game items including xp rings and a drinking cloak that let you get free beer from taverns. Some would scoff and say "Who cares about that?!" I do! I'm a RP'er! But I was also late to the game so I didn't get one. Their bad? Nope. Mine. Now, I seriously think the NDA needs to be lifted and that some details need to surface. I'm pretty sure this "massive" xp bonus will be something like 5% till level 20 or something along those lines. If they just talked about these things freely then people wouldn't have to get so stressed out with speculation. FFS, if half the people ticked off and outspoken about this CE were half as vehement about the state of our government rather than a company in it for profits making profits this would be a Utopia! It's going to be alright one way or another. Those in opposition will break down and join the rest of us for some gaming fun time, or they'll really put the man in his place with their protests and overturn the way gaming industries work. Let's see how it goes. I'm satisfied with a few bucks of my entertainment budget going to fund a game that keeps me entertained.
  2. Alignment: Daggerfall CovenantRegion: United StatesGuild Interests: RP, PvP, PvE, Raiding, Crafting.Guild Leader: Niraba , Gah'mohrrWebsite: TheAshenHand.com About Us: We have been a successful Raiding and RP guild in Age of Conan and Fallen Earth, looking forward to new challenges that await us with the release of The Elder Scrolls Online. We offer an active and robust website (currently in progress) with galleries, event calendars, forums and much more. The guild leaders are experienced and passionate about the well being and success of the guild. We will have multiple focuses within ESO to best experience all aspects of game play, most notably RP and PvP, but no one will be forced to experience any aspect of game play they are not interested in. Guild chat is OOC. Ventrilo will be provided. Our guild rules are simple: No OOC politics, sexism or racism. **************************************************************************************** Code of The Ashen Hand “The hand not only takes, but it also gives.†- Tornash Ashen Hand 2E. 534 “The hand, when all fingers meet, form a fist.†- Tornash Ashen Hand 2E. 541 “The Palm of the hand is the leadership. It is the place the coins land when the digits come together.†- Tornash Ashen Hand 2E. 550 There are five digits that make up the hand. I. The Thieves.Some slink in the shadows in the dead of night. Some brave the rough seas to show them our might. II. The Smugglers.Borders and Lawmen and nooses be damned when they face the cunning of the smugglers of our Ashen Hand. III. The Pleasures.Be it comely young vixens or well built young men, be it illicit substance or a skillfully swept pen. IV. The Merchants.As clean as whistles and smart as whips, they provide to the needy from the holds of our ships. V. The Assassins.Silent and skillful they decimate squads, and find all your targets to send to their Gods. **************************************************************************************** History of The Ashen Hand In 2E. 534 Tornash Ashen Hand founded a guild of like-minded men and women. Unlike many of his kin and contemporaries, Tornash cared little for racial or religious differences between people of Nirn. Tornash had a sense of honor, but it was one he had developed himself as an orphan of the Orcish Strongholds left to fend for himself in the faraway cities. He noticed early on in life that there was one singular unifying motivational factor between peoples; money. Everyone desired money to fuel their habits and lifestyles. It didn't take long for the young Orsimer to figure out that the most lucrative forms of gaining money were the most hazardous ones. He quickly moved from petty theft of bread for survival to building a network of experienced criminals and merchants with honest faces and less than honest principals to quickly move the goods that the gang had obtained. He rented quiet houses and turned them into small pleasure palaces and invested his gains into their first ship. To keep his crew and employees honorable and faithful to the guild he worked to create an in-depth insurance policy and benefits for those who shared in the work effort. Tornash always believed in keeping up appearances as well. He donated money and supplies regularly to orphanages, churches and even the guards, but never in the light of a bribe, just as a well off entrepreneur who adamantly cared for his community. Each contract and document was marked with the hand print of the illiterate orphan who had grown into a well respected businessman who took and gave with calculated grace.
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