You can only use wereworld skills while shapeshifted. And yes your get new skills that pop up on its own bar during the transformation. Fighters guild skills will work on werewolfs if the enemy player spent that one point into skilled tracker. Only all fighters guild skills are going to rock both vamps and werewolfs alike (They might be nerfed a bit if they provide too much of an advantage)
Just wanted to put this here for others to see This is what the Werewolf is like in action: As you can clearly see, transforming into a werewolf brings up a special Action Bar for it. Pros: 1. Don't have to worry about using up slots in my normal action bars. 2. Kinda adds a Mini-game mechanic during battle. Cons: 1. You can't use your normal abilities while in this form (includes weapons) I think I might go the Werewolf... simply because this alllows me to sorta have 3 action bars and could add some lore to my char Plus I'll admit my Final Character in WOW was a Worgen Death Knight... sorta feels like my old character.
Just wondering as a Werewolf setup... Would I have all my Normal skills n such be on my prime Bar. Then my 2nd weapon Swap bar will have all my Werewolf abilities and Transform Ult... This could be sorta fun for RP and useful management of the 2nd action bar.... Only thing I am worried about as a Werewolf is mainly Poison Arrow seems to be staple in all Archer Builds.... ouch.
Sounds sexy with Entropy. I am kinda thinking: Silver bolts, Strife, Uppercut (or some other 2hd skill), Siphoning Strike, Blood well, Soul Shred. Be my pve party heals build. Silver Bolts can be moved to my 2nd bar, and have Entropy take its place.
I will say Imperial will have a better passives then most. A simple point to make is that Red Diamond can't / nor will be counted towards a soft cap, unlike +% Regen or Raw Resource. I am pretty sure my once Breton Nightblade will now be an imperial. Siphoning Strike - Morph: Leeching Strike + Red Diamond.... Yeah my Blood Knight is coming along nicely.
Well I bit the bullet and bought the digital Imperial version. I got an interesting E-mail. "Thank you for purchasing The Elder Scrolls® Online Digital Imperial Edition. In addition to the Digital Imperial Edition, you’re now registered for The Explorer’s Pack, which includes the following digital rewards:
[*]The ability to play as any race in any alliance
[*]The Scuttler vanity pet
[*]Exclusive treasure maps
[*]Early game access You’ll receive these digital rewards when you first log-in to The Elder Scrolls® Online game at official launch. We’ll also contact you at your account’s registered email address with information about early game access as we get closer to game release in April 2014." So does that break Alliance races now too? I can be a Dark Elf and be with daggerfall? What are your thoughts on this?