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Everything posted by raiders95

  1. great.. we're downloading the imperial new race! /sarcasm off
  2. Well, everything depends on how you see all things they included in the imperial CE. - ring of M : you have to be with 1 specific person to have a xp boost Nobody knows how much xp boost it'll be 5%,10% or 50%...??? so you have to stick with the same person to have the rings work. You call that a huge advantage ? rushing to the highiest level faster than others ? being +4 level comapre to all area.. no challenging fight, just a 1 or 2 shoot fight.. really ? you consider that as an advantage and fun ? I'm sure hardcore player will level up faster than anybody who got those rings anyway... - imperial race : calm down on this one as well, nobody knows what race skill this race will provides. Let's say that I want to start ESO with a bow / 2 hands character, if the imperial race skill offer a bonus on having a shield and sword then sorry I'll stick on the wood elf race. - horse mount : guys wake up honestly, nearly all CE edition offer a mount. You think it's a advantage because you have it without paying in-game gold and you can go faster to into any area..well it seems that everything is related to "how fast you can have things" with some of you. ESO, imho, is about exploring, taking time to see and find any caves, hidden things etc.. not about rushing to level 50/60 and skipping 60% of each area. At the highiest level everybody will have one or several horses and the xp will be capped anyway. It's not because we'll pay a monthly subs that they cannot inlude anything in the collector edition. The PHYSICAL edition have a statue, book, map etc.. but what would you give to the DIGITAL one then ? The DIGITAL edition has to include something worth the money they ask for and it can only be something related to the game and that you can use in the game. All imperial CE items don't remove anything to the game so you can still play it and have fun. I have the feeling that for some of you feel that they have removed something or did something really wrong. Well sadly if it's beyong your strengh to move on, I don't see any solution than turning your back from the game.
  3. As I already wrote in this forum I respect all opinion but frnckly I don't understand why epople are so furious about the Imperial CE. - ESO = pay to play = monthly subs : right now the price is not that expesensive compare to others p2p mmo - 1 month free subs before starting to pay = just like any other p2p mmo - ring of whatever which boost your xp = cannot care less of such thing, I'm not racing to the highiest level, I want to take time to explore all area - imperial horse = will just be equal to any other horse = just cosmetic - imperial race = specific skills = just like any other race = Dev said that they'll not have any stronger skill comapre to others - play any race in any alliance = cannot care less = good to whoever want to play a specific race and still be with his guildies in case they're in a different alliance. For the pvp aspect,sorry I don't do pvp so... - little pet = com'on who care about such thing A collector edition has to provide something worth the price they're asking for. 9 races are available to everybody.. it's not because 1 is dedicated to the imperial CE woners that the game is not fun anymore. Well at lmeast to me. But I understand that for some it is.. the real question for those one is more : will you move on..if you don't then you'll never play and have fun with ESO.
  4. It's funny that you mentioned the "rings of mara"..I completly forgot those ones. I'm the kind of player who loves to complete all quests on a given area before moving to the next one. I've never seen the point to race to the highiest level and skip all little caves/dungeons etc. that an area can provide. I like to discover, take my time etc. Those rings will be for sure something I would never ever use.
  5. As far as I can remember, all past mmo's I played all had a collector edition offering specific access, mount or bonuses. All those mmo's were with a monthly subs which was more or les sidentical to what they're asking for ESO. Each races have their own advantage so the imperial doesn't bring anything new regarding this matter. Let's say that with my guild we decided to play with the Aldmeri alliance and I was interested on the Bosmer (wood elf) race. Other guildies now can choose to play with one of the 3 Aldmeri's races... or if they buy this Imperial Edition, play with one of the 6 others (imperial race not included). I don't see what kind of advantages the imperial CE gives beside being able to play with the other 6 races... which all had specific traits avant before the CE announcement. It can be convenient for some who wanted to play a diiferent race than on of the 3 Aldmeri alliance... but is it really an advantage which make them stronger, faster than any other ? nope it's not and I think you know that. I just don't see what kind of great/ubber advantage this Imperial CE is providing which may destroy the game of make you so much stronger to nay other. The only thing which may be strange is for PVP... as there will be no separate races based on the alliances, but I don't do PVP so I think I'll have no problem to deal withthe sonsequence of this CE. Just my opinion, I accept yours as well
  6. Hi, I just watched the video and well... I respect your opinion but honestly I don't agree with you. Well let's say that for me it's not such a disaster that they included a new race in the cImperial Collector Edition. Let's face it, you have to include something special in a collector edition, somehting worth the money you request for it. This imperial race is not going ot remove anything from the other 9 races, which were the only one known until yesterday and many people (including you if I understand well) were ok with that and couldn't wait to play with... This new race is not going to change anything for me... I'll be in a guild, having fun solo, grouping with guildies and non guidlies etc. XP boost, mount, rings are often items included in Collector edition so here there is nothing new. THe Imperial race is nice but I don't see any advantage comepare to any other 9 races so gratz to whoever can afford it ! For the other who can't well.. I would recomment to move on and focus on having fun with the game and mates. I can not believe that if you were really exited to play this game until yesterday everything changed because of what is included in this Imperial Collector Ediition.
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