Well, everything depends on how you see all things they included in the imperial CE. - ring of M : you have to be with 1 specific person to have a xp boost Nobody knows how much xp boost it'll be 5%,10% or 50%...??? so you have to stick with the same person to have the rings work. You call that a huge advantage ? rushing to the highiest level faster than others ? being +4 level comapre to all area.. no challenging fight, just a 1 or 2 shoot fight.. really ? you consider that as an advantage and fun ? I'm sure hardcore player will level up faster than anybody who got those rings anyway... - imperial race : calm down on this one as well, nobody knows what race skill this race will provides. Let's say that I want to start ESO with a bow / 2 hands character, if the imperial race skill offer a bonus on having a shield and sword then sorry I'll stick on the wood elf race. - horse mount : guys wake up honestly, nearly all CE edition offer a mount. You think it's a advantage because you have it without paying in-game gold and you can go faster to into any area..well it seems that everything is related to "how fast you can have things" with some of you. ESO, imho, is about exploring, taking time to see and find any caves, hidden things etc.. not about rushing to level 50/60 and skipping 60% of each area. At the highiest level everybody will have one or several horses and the xp will be capped anyway. It's not because we'll pay a monthly subs that they cannot inlude anything in the collector edition. The PHYSICAL edition have a statue, book, map etc.. but what would you give to the DIGITAL one then ? The DIGITAL edition has to include something worth the money they ask for and it can only be something related to the game and that you can use in the game. All imperial CE items don't remove anything to the game so you can still play it and have fun. I have the feeling that for some of you feel that they have removed something or did something really wrong. Well sadly if it's beyong your strengh to move on, I don't see any solution than turning your back from the game.