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  1. It's not that big of a deal to me. First i personally planned on getting collector's any way. Playing any race is fine. Most people will most likely stick with being in their races specific faction. So the demographic will feel realistic and non like isolationist xenophobes. The exp bonus has been available in a lot of games. From ring or hat that only last to level 10 to friend referral stuff. Exp bonuses are everywhere so its not that big of a deal. Additionally, I feel like racing to end game in ESO is missing the point. The Dev's seem to want to make an experience based game. Most modern MMO's i feel like the level grind is just a BS way to force you to pay a month's sub to try the end game. I think ESO wants to make leveling and being max level feel very similar. Its about experiencing the environments and stories and not just getting to max and raiding. I don't see why people stand for this.... just seems sort of dumb. Either make the game about questing and growing or make it about dungeons and looting. . . just saying. The new race. that's fine. Its a sparkle pony, but wait they lied to us.... oh nooooooo an MMO dev didn't do everything they said they were doing to do... Come on guys I'm sure alot of you have seen this before, gaming companies don't and can't always deliver on everything they say they will. I'm sure from here on out they wont have anything you can't get to.
  2. So i'm not sure where to stick this. i'd think theory crafting, but i don't have any real information to go off of. I'd think faction and races, but i don't see any similar type of discussion there. So i figured since its a little of both i'd just go with general. So as soon as i saw this new race thing i got to think about the passives. What could they be?? I want everyone's opinion. So first off we know every race has an experience passive. Well they all are armor or weapons. There is one weapon or armor paired to each race. So where can Imperials go... Well seeing as how imperials are your basic generic guy i think they'll get a little bit of everything or something new. So out options are: 2-3% more experience for everything 5% more experience to all weapons and armor 3-4% more experience with all class ability skill lines I think the all weapons and armor experience bonus seems pretty spot on. Imperials have always been the broad open spectrum character and everyone in the game will be using a weapon and armor of some kind so everyone will get something out of it. The classes and everything one's would be too good because either the % will be too high or the % will be so low that it may as well not even be there. The 2nd passive seems to be very race defining i think this will be pretty obvious: Imperial luck: Increase Gold from drops The next passive is some sort of Regeneration effect for either magicka, health, and/or stamina. Or its a maximum increase of some sort in the case of the Orcs and Dunmer. Argonians are the odd man out here. I think it will be one of these: 1% Max Magicka, Health, and Stamina 1% In combat Regen to Magicka, Health, and Stamina I'm pretty sure it'll be the first one as just a guess. The last one will require some more creativity than i have at the moment. So maybe you guys can help out!!
  3. I'm not refering to the doc. it is at full up time at level 15. It might be possible that at level 50 maybe this isn't the case (depends on accesories, enchants, and stat alotment i'd assume). In light armor, its more than possible.
  4. Okay so a few important things. Undaunted do have a taunt in its tree. It's inner fire. They sort of snuck it in last patch and no looked. Serious when i said Lightning Form is OP it isn't as shallow as it being a strong oh snap button. Lightning Form can be sustained with 100% up time in heavy armor and also cast one other very inexpensive spell like mage fury every once in a while (like 1 mage's to every 5 lightning form cast). In light armor you can cast lightning form and other abilities with ease. That's not all though. Mobs who have yet to been attacked will stick to you when you pop lightning form. Unlike spiked armor that requires you to be hit. Lightning Form is a pulsing aoe that make's you tons of friends. On top of conjured ward which is an aoe heal+shield you will be making friends. As for CC I don't think i need to explain the levels of CC the sorc has access to. Anyway my point is. Lightning Form is really OP, and I'm not just saying that to defend sorc. I'm saying that as in it need some serious adjusting <.<. The combo of basically forcing your armor to go as high as it possible can, and the constant aoe damage to everything is really strong. I think maybe the cost should be a little higher so maybe it can't stay up constantly in heavy armor.
  5. Every game there is always that guy who says all the other tanks suck and there is only one. That's what balancing is for. The content in this game most likely wont be all the difficult in the first place so it really doesn't matter too much. Actually bound armor does kind of suck, but check this out: Sorcs have lightning form which even in heavy armor can be consistently kept up easily without any focus on mana regen, and you'll still have enough mana regen to cast a few mage's fury or other spells when you feel like. It is the games highest armor increase by a large margin. In fact you get so much armor that in heavy armor you loose about 2/3's of the armor you get from the ability due to diminishing returns. However, this isn't the extent of the Sorc power for tanking. In light armor a Sorc has more armor and spell resist than a DK does in heavy armor. This is because lightning form is so freaking amazingly bonkers in the massive amounts of armor/spell resist you get from it that your light armor turns into plate mail. However, with light armor you go from barely being able to keep up lightning form to being able to use more stuff. Also mind you bosses do fairly often use magic damage abilities and it does hurt a lot. Sorc has Conjured ward which morphs into an AOE heal+shield (or a damage buff to your pets). This augments your block so with out dumping points into stamina you block effectively. You have lightning escape as another dodge when you need it. Inner fire from undaunted is another taunt. Bound armor to cover you if the boss has a stun and your worried about being caught with lightning form down. This leaves sorc with all ways full stamina because he doesn't use it. You use your stamina to bash/block/dodge when ever needed and your magicka augments all of these. Also with pets, they tend to draw lots of enemy monster love and they help you do some tanking for all those mob you can't taunt. That is more indirect group utility. Though for boss fight i dont recommend using them Sorc Tank build: All light armor Lightning Form Conjured Ward Inner Fire Optionals(you pick 2): Lightning escape Bounder armor Winged Twilight Bone Shield Overload (Ultimate) A few additional things to remember. You'll get access to all of the skills eventually. You probably have two whole tree unlock by level 20 so you don't really need to just focus one tree. Also balance happens classes will be buffed/nerfed regularly. Right now i'd say sorcs are OP tankwise, but no one really knows it because it requires more than a shallow level of thought to figure out how to do it right.
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