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  1. The build So Your a templar not using any templar abilities that way all your templar passives are pretty much useless. Spam equilibrium so you can end your sorry life as much as possible... though it does have good synergy with defensive posture so you don't die to any damn mages. Mage light in hopes that you'll crit your self with equilibrium. I think mist form is good to protect you from dying to melee folks. On top of that you have drain essence to scare people away so you can kill yourself in peace. The story behind the build is that you were a templar who though equilibrium was good... then you found out it nerfed your health regen... so your trying to end you life... however... saddly you keep repawning so... and being killed by other players is further demoralizing because that was the opposite of what you wanted your build to do. So you try and do more DPS to yourself Than anyone else. That way you get your own kill credit.
  2. I used the second key the first on didn't work. Thanks david you are a hero to the people.
  3. Just gonna add to 4 and 5 here: 4. That shadow clone flat 15% damage reduction if that stacks with low strike.. that'll be pretty good. 5. inner fire is also a taunt, but the armor reduction will be a pretty big deal for stamina based dps. oh also 3. argonians look really cool as well... just saying ^.^
  4. So one important thing i'll touch on first is you continue to gain skill point passed level 50. After level 50 you can do the quest in the other factions as if you were in that faction. Though all the quest and the whole zone is level 50 and most likely it'll be a special phase of the zone. You will still be in your chosen faction. Apart from that i can assure you, we will get a lot of skyshards getting to level 50 from each zone. So i'm sure with that you'll want to add more skill points everywhere. So i'd focus your build on filling you 10 different ability slows your 2 ultimate slows and your two weapons. Then respost your build. For now i recommend posting it in this format: 1h/shield Winged Twilight Familiar Lightning Form Entropy Shield Charge Overload Restro Staff Winged Twilight Familiar Surge Bolt Escape Blessing of Protection Storm Atronach Generally most just list there abilities out in plan text like I've done here. The reason being is that there isn't a complicated skill tree, and eventually all relevant passive abilities you will have easy access to. Plus this is pretty easy to look at and see everything you have. I will break it down for you So first you list your primary weapon. Generally this is your preferred form of combat or at least the weapon you use most in the fight. 1h/Shield -this is my main hand weapon one of the 6 options- Then you list your 5 abilities. Abilities like pets that you multi on more than one bar you try and keep at the top and have in the same place as other abilities. Then just list them in order of importance to you. So if we have recommendations we can start from the bottom and work out way up: Winged Twilight -this is pet and thus is on both bars and is at the top, and it is also the most important pet to me.- Familiar -this is a less important pet as he will most likely run in and die in melee- Lightning Form -this is a very important ability that i will never get rid of- Entropy -this ability is also core to my build, but maybe surge is better?- Shield Charge -I like this, but my build has very little stamina.... and lightning form can serve a similar purpose- Then you list your Ultimate for your first bar. Overload -this is my ultimate- You do the same with the second bar. The second bar tends to either have an alternate play style that helps with weaknesses of your main bar, or you can go all in and have a secondary buff bar that makes your main bar more powerful. You can even do a combination buff bar/alt bar. So far this is what we've been using just because its easier for other to edit right now. At least until the current build is more stream lined ^.^. I'd love to see and help you put together an awesome build. edit: also set your goal for your build. Do you wanna do dungeon pvp?? Pve?? maybe something that works well in both??
  5. So here's a few notes on your build. I'm not sure if your going for a more pve or pvp focus. Either way i'd go for heavy armor legs and chest. I believe that gives the best armor. So pvp wise. I believe the staff build is for kiting and over all favorable damage mitigation. However, it'll be counted by some one with a hard gap closer like TP strike, bolt escape, 1h/shield or 2h Charges. However, cripple does counter a lot of the movement speed boost abilities. I do also love your use of shadow cloak, which is basicly the best use of the ability: a long range damage bonus... short of dots.. is going to stop you from cloaking and throwing out some more damag. Blessing of protection is weird. I guess its to justify using the staff. So what i dont like is the blessing of protection. The armor and small heal is nice, but steadfast ward is amazing. use that when your low on HP and it makes for a really strong buff and you can get healed for the left over. Unless of corse your thinking of using it in a group oriented support setting. Than blessing might be better. The morphs for the armor abilities gain increased effectiveness for each piece of that armor you have on. Immovable will be more effective with more heavy armor. However, using it will reduce your need for stamina to dodge around. I'd recommend using veiled strike as in melee this will most likely be your most powerful damaging ability, and be your best bet for actually getting them low enough to use Assassin's Blade effectively. That's my take on it from a pvp prospective. If your looking for more a PvE focused build not sure what your going for.
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