So here's a few notes on your build. I'm not sure if your going for a more pve or pvp focus. Either way i'd go for heavy armor legs and chest. I believe that gives the best armor. So pvp wise. I believe the staff build is for kiting and over all favorable damage mitigation. However, it'll be counted by some one with a hard gap closer like TP strike, bolt escape, 1h/shield or 2h Charges. However, cripple does counter a lot of the movement speed boost abilities. I do also love your use of shadow cloak, which is basicly the best use of the ability: a long range damage bonus... short of dots.. is going to stop you from cloaking and throwing out some more damag. Blessing of protection is weird. I guess its to justify using the staff. So what i dont like is the blessing of protection. The armor and small heal is nice, but steadfast ward is amazing. use that when your low on HP and it makes for a really strong buff and you can get healed for the left over. Unless of corse your thinking of using it in a group oriented support setting. Than blessing might be better. The morphs for the armor abilities gain increased effectiveness for each piece of that armor you have on. Immovable will be more effective with more heavy armor. However, using it will reduce your need for stamina to dodge around. I'd recommend using veiled strike as in melee this will most likely be your most powerful damaging ability, and be your best bet for actually getting them low enough to use Assassin's Blade effectively. That's my take on it from a pvp prospective. If your looking for more a PvE focused build not sure what your going for.