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About NoRefunds

  • Birthday 09/16/1988

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  1. spells are not affected by weapon dmg
  2. of course the ones in the video are correct, but they might change them before release or so some streamers say, so maybe its better to wait and see
  3. shield charge deals low dmg but has the longer stun,can go up to 4 sec,and from my pvp experience ive learned that the dmg that you can deal during those 4 seconds its vastly superior to the difference in dmg between crit charge and shield charge,and thats the reason why invasion has become so popular on the pts.....so i suggest to do 1h-shield or use focused charge if you are a templar,but its has a shorter stun and they increased the cost recently....crit charge its only worth it if you want to spam it with crit surge,but even so i consider the cc better than a minor heal
  4. life regen its not a big deal,it caps to 50 every 2 sec,with the 75% penalty you lose 35 hp every 2 sec, that makes no difference.....the main issue its the fire weakness, on the pts most of the people dropped vampirism because of it
  5. rune focus for magika recovery should be the same thing,and a streamer said that its really bad because its a flat value and doesnt scale leveling....i dont really think that it works that way thal
  6. yeah but heavy armor passives suck,thats the problem
  7. the difference is that light armor is overpowered and the only weakness is the low armor, so if you can compensate with 1 or 2 rings....well thats broken
  8. they will probably nerf that armor value on the ring,it makes no sense,its 4 times higher than the chest
  9. i agree that the fact that the mod tells you when you can interrupt its not fair for players that use interruptable skills,they should remove that or keep it for pve only
  10. if you want to run really fast,be immune to cc and take 75% less dmg u should consider mist form with the mov speed morph, you can run into a zerg with it and laugh
  11. you can only use invigorating drain once on the same enemy, you cant use it as main damage, its meant to be used when you are already low hp/stamina to regenerate and then finish off your enemy.....you should use some stamina ability to deal dmg and then recover the stamina with the drain
  12. in a video i saw that while ure transformed into a werewolf u dont have ur weapon just like in other es games....as a vampire u can either use drain essence once during every fight or u can avoid it and feeding to get to stage 4 and use a cheap mist form....so the question is if those 2 abilities are good enough to balance the huge drawbacks of being a vampire
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