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    United States
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. It will be so nice to finally be in, an active clan haha =) You all seem like wonderful people, Can't wait to get in the actual clan chat!
  2. My name is katie, I'm pretty new to RS still haha, My in game name is iParadigmL, If you ever wanna hang out or do something, just msg me =)I also have msn for those who use it , [email protected] will be great to get to know you all, And enjoy some of the new experiences We all get from hanging out with eachother =).See you all soon!!~Katie~
  3. RuneScape Name: IParadigml (iparadigmL)<LI>Forum Name:IParadigml<LI>Combat Level:3 Haha >_><LI>Total Level:462<LI>Your Timezone:gmt -6<LI>How You Found Us:Uhm, A forum... haha, RuneHQ forum I think<LI>Previous Clans: UndyingRed<LI>First Impressions:I read alot about the clan, It seems like an awesome place =), and an awesome crowd to be around
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