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Cacus last won the day on January 20 2014

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About Cacus

  • Birthday 07/11/1978

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Silver Bolts is from the Fighters Guild Skill line, but I think you will need Skilled Tracker with it.
  2. DARK BROTHERHOOD Dark Brotherhood is recruiting players for Elder Scrolls Online that plan to join Daggerfall Covenant on the European server. We are looking for all kinds of roles (tank/healer/dd). Our core members have played SWTOR together so we already have a good base of the guild, if you want to join the fun register at our website and send an application. !!! Note that with pre-purchase you can play any race in any alliance, so for example if you plan to play a Nord you can still join us !!! http://eso.darkbh.com ** Please note that our guild name will not be allowed for unknown reasons Joke we have serveral new names which our Guild leader Aliman has a list of and will be going for them when it the Server go live at early access** Daggerfall Covenant looks like it will be the minority of the 3 Alliances so we will have more to kill and never be without a target
  3. Cacus

    Howdy all

    Cheers dude, we have been The Dark Brotherhood for 2'ish years in SWTOR and as its a game fraction I doubt we'd even try to keep the name, Khajiit is the bomb full on Black Panther style.
  4. Cacus

    Howdy all

    Hiya everyone, awesome site you have and lots of exellent info for getting ready for ESO. Well my name is Ben and live in the UK Corwall, I'm 35 and been Playing MMO's since 2003 with SWG and been hooked ever since. I've been in 4 guilds in my life all have been a very good, 1st was SWG called RATS/STAR on the EU-Farstar server= I left due to quitting the game but still keep in contact with a few members 2nd was The Acolytes in Age of Conan on the US server= They were a great bunch of lads 3rd was Fever Clan in SWTOR and I left as the guild on the game Disbanded I'm now currently in Dark Brotherhood who I joined in 2012 in SWTOR and we are now going to play ESO as Daggerfall Covenant, I will be playing Brenton-Dragon Knight-Light Armor-Destruction Staff/2H Sword, I've been using this Site to choose this setup and also have what skills i will be consentrating on as well which is a big thanks. Just so you know we are working on a new guild name for ESO as i kinda think The Dark Brotherhood is taken
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