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shinn last won the day on March 18 2014

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About shinn

  • Birthday 01/16/1991

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    Germany - Hamburg

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. well headline is topic. how do you calculate the stat POWER (gain from juggernaut, wrecking blow, etc) for example you're dealing 100dmg now u get a 5% power buff i guess it isnt 105% bc in this case it would just called "dmg increase" like everywhere else. And how does power effects crit? does anybody has solid infos about that?
  2. Night Mother's Gaze 3 Items Critical attacks also reduce the targets armor by 20% for 5 seconds. 6 Traits Reaper's March Old Town Cavern Bangkorai Silaseli Ruins The Rift Eldbjorg's Hideaway Thats a crafted gearset. I'm playing a 3sec sorc. Thisismy pvp setup Critical Surge-> curse -> critical rush -> bolt escape ->critical rush -> mage fury burst combo. as you see my maindmg spell is critical rush. My question is quite simple: Does the effekt triggers with the critical attack or for all following attacks?
  3. its 1pm in my timezone on a sunday i predict the worst release ever :/
  4. for serious pve content you dont need 24 man, its just a common disbelief you can design 4man content quite more challanging than 24man content
  5. pts testing proofs them wrong and it depends on the employee a graphic designer may know less than we about the game support knows nothing /allknownfact
  6. nope that are all btw its called "bash" if u pressing both, right and left. there a some passive to reduce the costs of bash (staminabased) and aswell improve the dmg of bash. in the 1h1shield passive weaponselection. works with range weapons in close range aswell btw
  7. fyi ZOS announced the agonians are getting another racial bc of the sswimspeed thing. it will be stamina regen or max stamina.
  8. stealth -> nb ability hide -> everybody can do it while pressing control key and cost stamina and can be detected while near enough
  9. had no problem with melee weapon in beta. with 2hand i spiked everything down as sorc.
  10. skillbuilds ppl still believe dk have to be tans and sorcs caster, im going to break the meta with my sorctank pve
  11. lol we didnt know how endgame is acutally. i would say till the next better games is released
  12. why is there a 5days and a 3 days early access?
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