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  1. I've got a similar build that needs looking at. Its more of a Pure Archer build that cranks out as much dps as it can. Primarily a PVE build Ill put points into Stam>Mana>Health. The reason I'm not designating numbers to each of these is because I just dont know. I plan on increasing each stat on a case by case bases. If I find Im running short on mana all the time, put a point into it. If not, put the point into Stamina. To say I'll now exactly how much each stat will need in an end game setting is a bit naive. When it comes to armor, Primarily medium armor with a few cloth pieces (again for mana if need). I just want to avoid diminishing returns. Question: Does increasing stamina increase base damage with melee weapons? Primary(Burst): Ulti:Death Stroke(Incapacitating Strike) Poison Arrow(Venom Arrow) Snipe Assassin's Blade(Impact) Mark Target(Reaper's Mark) Haste(Focused Attacks) Secondary(Endurance, Utility) U:Death Stroke (Soul Harvest) Siphoning Strike(Siphoning Attacks) Scatter Shot (Draining Shot) Volley (Scorched Earth) Shadow Cloak Evasion
  2. Thanks guys, When it comes to strife, do multiple instance of it stack? ie: If multiple mobs during a fight have been tagged w/strife, will my group be continuously healed w/out me having to use targeted heals? I could see this being very strong for sustainment.
  3. The goal is a primary PvE build that can provide strong heals for a group when needed, but primarily focuses on consistent damage output. Working on a more of a caster build with mostly light armor and a few pieces of heavy tossed in DPS bar Strife Agony Teleport Strike Assassin's Blade (weapon skill)? dont know a strong weapon to take here, Soul Shred Healing bar Strife Agony Regeneration Blessing of protection Shadow Cloak Soul Shred Im new to the theorycrafting thing, so be kind. Like I said earlier, Id like to be able to dish out strong dps (possibly a bow?) but still switch to heals for dungeon runs when needed.
  4. Irons I think you and Eol hit the nail the head, awesome answers. Having him play a bruiser w/hps and armor makes since while I stay back and blow it up and switch to resto staff to heal when needed. DK or Templar for him, Sorc for me (atm). Looking at possibly going at Nightblade as well. With the Siphoning skill line (soul shred and strife) he can get the heals he needs while I stand back w/a bow for dps (using stamina) and a resto staff (using mana) when heals are needed. Time to get to work on this. Thanks guys, good feedback.
  5. healer/tank would be something like Dragon Knight/Templar? Healer tank combos, although super stable can take a while to kill anything. I'm looking for a more "ESO" specific answer from someone that's done some beta work. Are there classes that are strong enough off-healers to keep them selves and one other up in a pinch? Looking for more a Class/Armor/Weapon answer. Is there anyone else out there that plan on having a steady two man (running with a wife/gf)? What are you looking at doing? As far as it being too rough on an 8 year old, that is something we're taking into consideration, I just haven't seen enough of the game to make a call. Its going to be close though.
  6. My son and I are looking for advice regarding a two man team for PvE/leveling. Our experience ranges from me; played "almost" every MMO since Ultima Online, to my son; this is his first MMO (he's 8) What are some classes I need to start looking at? Thanks in advance, -Ryan
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