I've got a similar build that needs looking at. Its more of a Pure Archer build that cranks out as much dps as it can. Primarily a PVE build Ill put points into Stam>Mana>Health. The reason I'm not designating numbers to each of these is because I just dont know. I plan on increasing each stat on a case by case bases. If I find Im running short on mana all the time, put a point into it. If not, put the point into Stamina. To say I'll now exactly how much each stat will need in an end game setting is a bit naive. When it comes to armor, Primarily medium armor with a few cloth pieces (again for mana if need). I just want to avoid diminishing returns. Question: Does increasing stamina increase base damage with melee weapons? Primary(Burst): Ulti:Death Stroke(Incapacitating Strike) Poison Arrow(Venom Arrow) Snipe Assassin's Blade(Impact) Mark Target(Reaper's Mark) Haste(Focused Attacks) Secondary(Endurance, Utility) U:Death Stroke (Soul Harvest) Siphoning Strike(Siphoning Attacks) Scatter Shot (Draining Shot) Volley (Scorched Earth) Shadow Cloak Evasion