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  1. The developers should consider adding “Guild Recruitment Houses†to the game. Basically, these houses would be located in each major city throughout Tamriel for one purpose, player guild recruitment. As you enter the house, you notice membership boards hanging on the wall. When you interact with one of these boards, a guild directory pops-up. The guild directory shows you all the various guilds looking for members in your faction. It also displays information such as guild description, guild leaders/officers, guild rules, number of members, guild website, and obviously the guild emblem (similar to the classifieds). Guild leaders must pay gold to buy advertisement slots in the guild directory (premium slots are expensive, showing up on the first page). This would be a great way for players to find an active guild in-game while fostering the ESO community at-large. Guild members could also hang out to answer any questions people may have before joining. This would be a great feature for ESO! Thoughts?
  2. Imagine the people scattered throughout Tamriel celebrate a few times a year by throwing a festival known as, Tournaments & Games. As you walk around a major city, you see Jesters dancing, Jugglers juggling, Acrobats performing. You glance over a see a wandering Scholar selling old lore books. Chefs walk around selling their meats and cheeses for their guests to enjoy. And don’t forget wine, mead, and ale to wash it down. You hear a catchy tune as a Bard plays their favorite instrument. Meanwhile, you look off in the distance and see banners for the Archery Tournament, Knight Tournament and the Horse Riding Tournament. Basically, this is where players can compete with other players to see who has the best archery, melee and horse riding skills. But the fun doesn’t stop there. People can also enjoy various games, such as dice games. Maybe even gamble a few coins? This would be a great addition for a future content patch; increasing immersion and making the world feel alive. This festival could also correspond to important Holidays mentioned in TES lore. Thoughts?
  3. This NPC guild, which is made up of hunters, archers and rangers, will lead you on a series of quests to hunt down and kill rare and unique beasts scattered throughout Tamriel. There’s no other objective but to explore the land while hunting worthy game. You’ll have a Hunters Log that shows which animals you need to hunt down and kill (extensive list spanning multiple zones). In addition to adding many hours of new content, a new Hunter Skill Line would be added and have access to abilities such as: Detect Animal (passive): The caster can detect animal life. Oakflesh: Improve the caster’s armor rating for duration. Forestwalk: The caster’s run speed is increased for duration. Ranger Trap: Creates booby trap. Inflicts damage while stunning target (one per use). Night-Eye: The world is cast in bluish hue, making darker areas more visible. Hawk Companion (passive): Slightly improve the caster’s stealth detection radius. Overall, the Hunters Guild is relatively easy to implement because the content already exists. The year ESO takes place is E2 583 262 years after the Guild Act was passed in the Empire. Many sanctioned guilds popped up very quickly. The Hunters Guild is entirely lore friendly. http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Guilds_Act
  4. Zenimax revealed they plan on releasing the Thieves Guild and Justice System in a content patch shortly after launch. With that said, I wanted to discuss my hopes of what this content may bring to ESO… Finding the Thieves Guild Unlike finding the Fighters or Mages Guild, the Thieves Guild will never be shown on a map (this guild must feel elusive and off the grid). In order to find this guild, players must follow Shadowmarks. These Shadowmark symbols will be carved on various buildings scattered throughout cities; http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Shadowmarks_(Marks) Thieves Guild Skill Line With the Thieves Guild, we can also expect a new Skill Line. Can you say Pickpocket? This ability is a must have feature (being able to pickpocket other players is another question). Bribery would also be a cool addition to the game. Players could bribe City Guards to ignore crimes, etc. Fame & Infamy Mechanic I hope the developers add “Fame and Infamy†mechanic to the game. Basically, fame is a measure of how well known your heroism is amongst the general population of Tamriel. Conversely, infamy represents your notoriety for doing evil deeds. Depending how you play your character will change NPC disposition (do they like you or not). Justice System - Illegal Activities With the addition of the Justice System, having many illegal activities for players would be welcome: Trespassing Pickpocket Theft Assault Murder Stolen Horse Drug Possession (possession of any narcotic, such as Skooma) Indecent Exposure (people running around in their underwear) Prison Instanced Dungeon The developers should make prisons essentially instanced dungeons (each city would have a unique layout). Players will sit in their cell for a period of time. The time should be somewhere between uncomfortable and downright frustrating… a deterrent. Maybe 10 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the severity of the crime. But you don’t have to sit and wait. Players will find a couple of lockpicks in their cell to attempt a jailbreak. There is only a couple, so use them wisely! If you successfully pick the lock, you will automatically retrieve your gear. To get out of jail, you must sneak past the guards or use brute force. If you fail to get past the guards, you will once again be placed in the cell. This time you must sit and wait (no lockpicks). Lastly, the penalty for attempting a jailbreak is doubling the time you must sit and wait. Bail Friend Out of Jail Players can visit the prison and bail their friend out of jail. The bail amount will be based on the severity of the crime. Once the bail is paid in full, the prisoner will be released. What do you hope to see with the addition of the Thieves Guild and Justice System?
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