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About profundido

  • Birthday 09/29/1977

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  1. and Here we go, right before the launch of this beta event that starts in a few hours they decided to activate this system again. The new message of the error now states: Error 104- Downloaderror_NotEnoughSpace "Not enough disk space, please clear up 60GB and try again" anyway the mechanic is still the same so just read the above again. Guess alot of people will now need it so this is your bump people ! Enjoy... ps: for people that cannot free any more space on that particular disk: don't worry, even though you get the message you can still play. Just click the message away with "OK", click on "The Elder Scrolls Online EU (Beta)" and "PLAY". You can always later move your whole installation to a different disk if you like
  2. I know. I tested it in last beta. Couldn't rezz my fellow anymore the second he turned 20 but I could once I got tier 2 soul gems and he could as well until he ran out of tier 2 ones. Soon after the same thing happened to me while trying to rezz myself. The reason was that even though your stats are boosted in Cyrodill, your level is still considered as outside Cyrodill when it comes to soul gems. So now we can buy tier 2 empty ones and fill em up fast in the lvl 17+ zones until the same problem happens with the next tier. Buying prefilled ones was too expensive so our only practical option after turning 20 became killing bosses in Cyrodill dungeons to farm a few, but quite not as many as we needed deep in enemy territory while collecting skyshards...
  3. nice ! And it also means I can now farm soul gems again for the many future deaths awaiting my lvl 20+ chars in Cyrodill ps: since the new pve zones are open and the servers are split in EU and NA we'll most likely have ALOT less lag in PVP campaigns this beta
  4. So you're gonna spend your beta bumping into as many mobs as you can then I take it ? :)
  5. did you group up for group dungeons ? How did that work out ?
  6. Didn't you have a problem anyway to play together because you started out in different zones ? What levels you all reached eventually more or less ? Perhaps it would make sense that you start a group at the very start of Beta (in the same starting zone) and do all quests as a group
  7. This seems like a really cool idea ! So ? Did you guys get together during that beta and if so how did things work out ?
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