In obsessing about what PVP class/build I want to play at launch I find myself endlessly considering all classes and combinations (mostly nightblade variants), but the one and only thing I am completely set on using is the Destruction Staff. I love the abilities it offers, most notably Weakness to Elements, Force Shock and Destructive touch and I love the gameplay feel of the weapon with its 3 damage and status effect options. So rather than theorycraft from a class first perspective I want to think destro staff first and hear people ideas about how to use them with various classes/armors/races etc. My initial idea for using destro was with a nightblade, my current iteration of this bar looks like: -destro nb altmer light armorweakness to elementsforce shockhasteaspect of terrorshadow cloakULT-meteor The idea being to empower basic attacks using haste/weakness to be able to get off as many sped up heavy attacks as possible while kiting and ccing using force shock and aspect when necessary. I really like this idea and it might be what I end up doing, but I'm having a hard time committing because the Dragon Knight variant is soo seemingly over powered... There are just so many easy synergies with this combo, the dk, destro, and racial (altmer/dunmer) passives alone are ridiculous not to mention abilities that stack damage bonuses like weakness and lava whip. Between staff and class abilities there is a tonne of cc options and Weakness to Elements is an unreal combination with the whole Ardent Flame tree. I have so many scattered ideas for a PVP bar, but here's my preliminary idea: -destro dk altmer weakness destructive touch lava whip force shock fiery grip ult-meteor good cc combo with destructive touch and lava whip, and weakness+meteor make me drool. i think this bar needs work as I'm not the most familiar with DK. I've prioritizing destro abilities and my other bar will obviously be centered around survival. I haven't totally thought through a DK build, but I want to hash something out... thus this post for input... I also want to consider templar and sorc destro staff builds... the Storm Calling tree seems to have some synergy, specifically with surge, all the shock damage, and mobility. Templar doesn't seem to have much synergy with destro, but maybe I'm missing something.