Here are a couple builds I have been working on. Feedback is much appreciated! Both are Altmer DK duo PvP with healing Templar Build 1: Weps: 2hand/Sword and Shield Armor: 5H/2M 2hand Cleave Fiery Breath Obsidian Shield Immovable Molten Weapons Dragon Leap Sword and Shield Ash Cloud Inhale Stonefist Fiery Grip Defensive Posture Dragonknight Standard Build 2 Weps: 2hand/Sword and Shield Armor: Undecided mix of H/M 2hand Searing Strike Uppercut Critical Charge Lava Whip Molten Weapons Dragon Leap Sword and Shield Ash Cloud Obsidian Shield Stonefist Fiery Grip Immovable Dragonknight Standard Both builds are pretty similar with the main differences being build 1 aims to have a little more AE with Cleave and Fiery Breath, where build 2 goes for the sick nasty single target damage of Searing Strike -> Uppercut -> Critical Charge -> Lava Whip -> Power Attack