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Asyrsk's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Can anyone PM me the morphs for the following Dragonknight abilities: Obsidian Shield Ash Cloud And the following Weapon Skills: Reverse Slash Momentum Much Appreciated!
  2. Here are a couple builds I have been working on. Feedback is much appreciated! Both are Altmer DK duo PvP with healing Templar Build 1: Weps: 2hand/Sword and Shield Armor: 5H/2M 2hand Cleave Fiery Breath Obsidian Shield Immovable Molten Weapons Dragon Leap Sword and Shield Ash Cloud Inhale Stonefist Fiery Grip Defensive Posture Dragonknight Standard Build 2 Weps: 2hand/Sword and Shield Armor: Undecided mix of H/M 2hand Searing Strike Uppercut Critical Charge Lava Whip Molten Weapons Dragon Leap Sword and Shield Ash Cloud Obsidian Shield Stonefist Fiery Grip Immovable Dragonknight Standard Both builds are pretty similar with the main differences being build 1 aims to have a little more AE with Cleave and Fiery Breath, where build 2 goes for the sick nasty single target damage of Searing Strike -> Uppercut -> Critical Charge -> Lava Whip -> Power Attack
  3. Hi all and thanks for checking out my post. I need some help working out my class and build for PvP in ESO. I am not concerned with PvE and have a very specific goal: I will be almost exclusively duoing with a healing focused Templar running around Cyrodiil looking for 2vX PvP fights. We will be going Aldmeri Dominion. What do you all feel would be the best class to duo with a Healing Templar? Keeping in mind I prefer melee as my main focus. I am cool with ranged as my secondary bar, but am also ok with another melee set. Only stipulation is I do not want to roll a Templar. Thanks for your help!
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