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  1. how it working spell resistance and armor ? Skill active using magicka and stamina = Spell Resistance. Basic/power attacks = Armor ? Basic attacks with staffs, uses spell resistance ou armor ?
  2. The dual type is cumulative damage? For example sword damge 45 + Axe 30 damage = 75 damage?
  3. Good, and abount "metalworking" skill ? Do you know anything ?
  4. In total, my build has 48 skills without the craft. I know it goes to level 50 and it got my build guaranteed, but without the professions. will be possible that I have some professions? I know it has skyshards and skill points that can by quests and dungeons, but is it enough? Does anyone know how many skill points we have in total? The other question is: The skills of craft that has much levels, such as metalworking, Tailoring etc. ... They upam automatically or will need skill points? I know that already starts at level 1 without skill points.
  5. I tested the beta and that was the way I liked to play. I made a base and confined only 49 skill points (I know it has skyshards and quests that give skill points). I was in doubt whether the skills "Woodworking" and "Tailoring" skills needed points, I do not think so because there are many. Give opinions. http://eso.massyx.de/1bMx4zf
  6. Max


    I have my doubts about it... Can master all professions do not seem right... Good question about the distance, but anyway I will not use because I will explore each piece of Tamriel and consequentimente'll find
  7. Max


    Are you sure? On the official site mentions that TESO is possible only two professions edit: http://elderscrollsonline.com/en-uk/news/post/2013/05/20/ask-us-anything-gathering-and-exploration
  8. Max


    I'll do anything. I chose to ignore the perks that helps you get stuff, so I usually caught in pve or trade / npc shop and friends. I chose to be all professions not to be independent and sell a everything. As already said it will only be possible to master two professions, and each will have 6 perks (except Provisioning is Enchanting 7 and 5). With this we have an average of 12 perks for professions. I leave here my build crafting: Blacksmithing: MetalWorking Metallurgy Enchanting: Aspect Improvement Potency Improvement Alchemy: Solvent Proficiency Snakeblood Clothing: Tailoring Stitching Provisioning: Recipe Quality Recipe Improvement WoodWorking: Woodworking Carpentry My build: Khajit, NB, Medium Armor, DW and Bow.
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