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  1. Downloaded and tested it. i seem to get crashes when im looking at skills that cannot be morphed but i tap on that area (like race passives) Using nex4. Looking forward to be able to put some points into the skills
  2. you can use a filled gem to do things, such as revive a friend or your self on the spot where you died, when you die. Q: Looking at the Khajiit's passives i found One called Carnage" "Carnage / +1/2/3% critical rating for melee attacks. / +5/10/15% damage done with critical hits." 1: Bow does not count as melee attack, right? 2: Does the increased critical damage only apply to melee?
  3. Correct me if im wrong, but healing and destuction staff + the abilities frm the mages guild cost magica (as it says in the eldersoulds database). In the esohead skillcalc they cost stamina.
  4. I have a question regarding soul gems. Can those be crafted (in that case, by which proffession?) or can they be baught?
  5. sponsored by yogscast? ("Coupon Code: YOGCST-BESTYT-EVERRR"). Got the imperial ed (want the mount), ty for code.
  6. i think it would be strange if zam dosent make a site for teso, they got one for rift, wow and so on. i would bet on there will be a "tesohead" or alike. with a skill calculator.
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