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  1. wow, quite impressive the number of changes. These guys seem to really work hard on the game. Never seen mmorpg updates so fast and extensively being applied to a beta and on a montly basis. "Siege weapons can now only be used by characters that are of the same alliance as the weapon. For example, you can no longer put an Aldmeri Dominion siege weapon in your bank, and use it with an Ebonheart Pact or Daggerfall Covenant character." Lol, people are so creative...=P
  2. I agree to all of this from my testings in last beta. In additon, I also tried not touching a specific tree to limit the number of trees as much as possible in a hopeful attempt that they might level up faster (since the "amount of xp to be divided at each skillup" would be divided by less skills) but it didn't quite seem to work like that. Apparently the only thing that really speeds up a tree's xp gain so far for sure is putting more skills of it on your bar. So if I were to run a new char from scratch again, I would spend my first skillpoints to unlock the first active skill of each tree I want to level up, and then fill up my main bar with more active skills from those same trees, depending on which i want to use more or if not really needed depending on which I want to see level up faster to unlock higher skills and passives faster. After the main bar is filled I would start picking passives Finally I continued to test one more thing. I wanted to play with a destruction staff during the killing, but still manage to level up my restoration staff tree for healing purposes later on so i tested another very specific thing: I would do all the parts of a quest by killing and questing with a destruction staff in the hand -thus never using resto staff in fact- and the destruction skill as 5th skill and then right before talking to the final NPC that says: "thx for saving our city, here's your gold and XP" I would swap out the skill for a resto staff skill as well as equipping the weapon and that seemed to work quite effectively so theoretically, if you reconfigure your skill bar right before handing in big Q's you can teer" which tree you want to xp to go to. Hope that helps
  3. why would collision detection in PVP have such a big impact on performance exactly ?
  4. extra info: after finding X lore books you don't have to go back to the mages guild or anything. It's more like you get used to opening every flashy book you see and suddenly upon opening book number 29 a popup appeared for me: "you are now mages guild level 2". ps: if it took a mages guild quest and 30 lore books to go from level 1 to level 2 I just can't begin to fathom what it takes to reach some of the higher skills in the current state of the game...
  5. Light armor Breton DC Templar with Resto Staff as weapon I will specialize in healing and dps mainly through the Resto light and Wrath skill trees. I'll do both pvp and pve. I'm 37 and EU based
  6. Problem description: since the release of the latest software patch for the game that splits up the game client for US and EU alot of us have been getting this annoying error. Some can't get the game properly installed because of it, others get it downloaded and installed but still have the annoying popup when starting up the launcher even if they're able to start the game. Solution: 1. on the drive where you chose to install the game (and thus find the Zenimax folder) temporarily move away (copy it to another volume and then delete it on the drive where ESO is installed) data that does not belong to the ESO client to another drive until you reach at least 60GB of total free space on the drive where ESO is installed. 2. Start the launcher to let it auto-create the missing virtual directory (as soon as it works you'll know because it simply won't show the error anymore) 3. Move/copy back the data that you temporarily moved away to another drive back to the drive where ESO is installed Deeper explanation for those that are interested: After the patch, their structure for the EU client still requires the folder named "The Elder scrolls online" to still be present right next to it because it's still being hardreferenced in the code so Zenimax applied the trick to have this previous folder still available but only as a pointer to the new EU folder instead of holding the real files. This means that the "The Elder scrolls online" folder will show in windows show about 21GB of data in size (=the previous size) while in reality that folder only has 18MB size on disk. At every startup of the launcher it will check if the original directory "The Elder scrolls online" is present, even if it's a virtual one. More even, it will check for an amount of free space for the entire virtual size of the Zenimax folder being the the sum of both folders (the EU one with the actual data and the virtual one claiming to be 21GB in size) for about 60GB of virtual space in total even though in reality it only requires about 30GB of size on Disk. Hence, as long as you do not have 60GB of free space on that drive at least 1 time so the game can create that second virtual folder the launcher wil keep showing that error. As soon however as it is correctly present through whatever way (either temporarily freeing up space so the launcher can auto create it or through manual operation) it's check will see that all is in place, even if it's not required to start up the EU game There you go, hope that clarifies it for you
  7. Wow, this is hot indeed because if they finally made the split into the final EU and US servers it means: 1. They're really putting in place the final infrastructure to launch for live 2. We can most likely expect next beta to have addressed the login overload that they couldnt' handle. They must by now have fully realized (other than a queue) what is needed to spread that load so that the insane lag, the 10-15 minutes zoning time and/or queue times are a thing of the past. That was the only thing that really annoyed me and it seems we can have our high hopes up for next beta ps: I really like how "fast on the ball" they play based on their beta results. I've not seen this in previous mmo betas
  8. we should really not judge on that decision without seeing the whole picture the way a veteran like Matt does. Although I shared your initial response at first, I immediately after realized that: 1. These kind of things really are what immerse people deeply in the game. With a mediocre acted voice it's just such a letdown and X years later when you revisit that mmo these are the things that can turn you really off like: "oh, a what missed chance....". So this is your one and only chance to do it right. I realized this clearly when yesterday I revisited the by now 6 year old game Age of Conan. Some of the voice acting there just...doesn't fit the situation or the animation if you know what I mean 2. Matt's been in this business for 20 years and the Bethesda team has proven time and again that they are able to deliver such content and immersion. I bet if we would know each decision they made during the making of Skyrim or Oblivion e.g we would have surely questioned numerous of their choices back then. Yet, look at the results of the (great) decisions they made back then 3. From a business point of view these are important opportunities not to let go. They add the hype which is to culminate on launch day. Funny thing is that -since that culmination will cause a massive amount of people to try the game- it can backfire for them just as much as it can help them. If launch is a success it will skyrocket them. If it fails this is where they shoot themselves in the foot. so I guess Matt isn't afraid of taking a risk and playing high stakes and based on his proven experience who are we to say he doesn't know what he's doing...
  9. I had a dream in which: I healed a dedicated group of level 13-16 people through a lvl dungeon called Spindleclutch and noticed that my top prio resulted in continuously trying to be as mana conserving as possible throughout the group pulls and boss fights as possible or be left without mana when it was most necessary and critical to save someone such as the tank so I found myself casting the cheapest morphed group heal possible as default healing spell while paying attention mostly to my positioning not to be standing in the constantly changing dmge areas but still correctly positioned to affect all group members with my heals and then only use my extra healing spells during the biggest dmge spikes. Even when doing so and using pots, I still saw my mana bar go empty regularly making it a close call where I realized I couldn't afford to let 1 mana point go to waste at all. The tank and dps seemed skilled enough not to cause any unwanted extra dmge and agro or more than necesaary. We ended up clearing everything nicely in the end but I had the feeling there were many close calls in just 1 dungeon run (and I liked that tbh) Later, in other PUG's running the same dungeon where the other people were 1-2 levels lower and less skilled (=taking too much dmge constantly where they shouldn't) I found myself OOM nonstop, even in normal pack pulls and after the necessary number of wipes on the end boss I realized that this group would not be able to kill the end boss and therefore not complete the dungeon so we called it. But ofc that was all just a dream...
  10. agreed: Templar is your only choice for burst healing while tank can definately be another templar, rogue or dragonknight or maybe even a sorc as long as they are specced and equipped for it
  11. sounds like an excellent preparation of the mindset for all upcoming stages of real life past the age of 8 :)
  12. This all means - based on what's written above here and in the skill database- that: -skill mana cost reduction stacking is king and therefore the breton racial passive as well, more than the altmer one even -you'll need to prioritize mana regen and maxing out the mana pool as caster besides the cost reduction -you'll not always benefit from morphing skills into instant ones at some point at the cost of lesser dmge such as e.g solar flare because you don't have the mana anyway to cast nonstop in combat. At best you'll get a fast burst to OOM option -you'll have to carefully choose your skills to use based on how much bang for the buck they give (dmg/healing per mana) Practical example of scaling: A naked casting templar uses solar flare as main nuke which costs 42 mana and is received at level 4 after farting around the quick few first levels with Sun Fire. so from that point his main nuke goes through the following process: at level 4: sitting at 100+ 60 +30 = 190 mana with a main nuke cost of 60 he can cast it 3.16 times before being OOM at level 10: sitting at 100+180+90 = 370 mana with a main nuke cost of 96 he can cast it 3.85 times before being OOM at level 15: sitting at 100+280+140 = 520 mana with a main nuke cost of 126 he can cast it 4.13 times before being OOM at level 20: sitting at 100+380+190 = 670 mana with a main nuke cost of 156 he can cast it 4.29 times before being OOM at level 25: sitting at 100+480+240 = 820 mana with a main nuke cost of 186 he can cast it 4.41 times before being OOM at level 30: sitting at 100+580+290 = 970 mana with a main nuke cost of 216 he can cast it 4.49 times before being OOM at level 40: sitting at 100+780+300(max) = 1180 mana with a main nuke cost of 276 he can cast it 4.28 times before being OOM at level 50: sitting at 100+980+300(max) = 1380 mana with a main nuke cost of 336 he can cast it 4.11 times before being OOM now let's say this same naked caster equips 7 pieces of light armor and invests 2/3 in the passive Evocation skill giving him 14% skill cost reduction: at level 10: 4.48 times at level 15: 4.80 times at level 20: 4.99 times at level 30: 5.22 times at level 40: 4.98 times at level 50: 4.78 times This reveals the importance to max your gear ASAP as it has great impact on your play and once you've done that, you're on a linear curve Then finally the thing that will really make the difference to be able to cast the spell more before going OOM is the mana regen along with the additional cost reducings through skill morphs (return mana upon heal, do additional dmge for the same skill cost etc...) Since the in-combat mana regen cap increases each level and is easily reached you will get more and more "extra" mana added to your pool while you're casting your pool empty resulting in more times to cast the same spell. Since we dont' have the exact numbers yet it's hard to list up that table but it's safe to assume that since this is the only non-linear scaling parameter in the equation this is the only thing that will cause this linear scaling table above to bend and cause you to do alot more casts at higher level.
  13. Anyone know at what level your racial ultimate unlocks ?
  14. I had a dream where the skill equilibrium had been changed to cost twice as much health for the same mana so it couldn't be exploited anymore by healers
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