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Everything posted by Prime

  1. To me it looks more or less like they gave up on it because they have their hands full of other things, if they had more time they probably would have gone for Teen rating.
  2. Crit Multiplier: I don't know how much the original value is, im guessing 1.5 or 2.0, but you can raise the multiplier through passives and probably through enchants/traits too.
  3. Well I were just thinking there are already other streamline quest lines like the main story and mages guild (partly atleast) so it would make it more diverse
  4. It would be nice if it didn't have an actual quest line but just gave bounty 'quests' like it's not that you make progress in an order but just get rewards for taking on different challanges. btw, if Detect Animal is a passive how will you cast it?
  5. I obviusly put a 17 second duration long buff on the second action bar. The mana from overload is just a bonus.
  6. Full HA DW/S&S Sorc Nord/Orc Hotbar 1.DW 1. a. Twin Slashes b. Flurry 2. a. Flurry b. Whirlwind 3. a. Whirlwind b. Lightning Form (30% inc ms) 4. Bolt Escape 5. Unstable Familiar Ultimate. Overload Hotbar 2.S&S 1. Surge 2. a. Lightning Form b. Bound Armor 3. Defensive Posture 4. Immovable 5. Unstable Familiar Ultimate. Negate Magic Full MA or 1HA 5MA DW/S&S Sorc Khajiit Hotbar 1.DW 1. a. Twin Slashes b. Flurry 2. a. Flurry b. Whirlwind 3. a. Whirlwind b. Lightning Form (30% inc ms) 4. Bolt Escape 5. Unstable Familiar Ultimate. Overload Hotbar 2.S&S 1. Surge 2. a. Lightning Form b. Bound Armor 3. Defensive Posture 4. a. Bound Armor b. Immovable 5. Unstable Familiar Ultimate. Negate Magic
  7. Do someone know if you can have an ability toggeled from second action bar? They changed so you can't have summons on other tab without also having on both but didn't mention if they did the same with all toggles.
  8. Do you still take damage from projectiles while reflective scales is in duration? Either case probably going to be gamebreaking in PvP with ranged DPS players one shotting themselves on reflect
  9. 1. There will be Addon Support. 2. There is a second tab in your inventory for potions to place them on your hotbar, what happen is a circle with something like 8 slots appear and you drag your potions into it. I would assume you can make the order shift with a hotkey so you can cycle through which potion will appear on the Q slot in the action bar.
  10. On the ESO client you can choose "United States" or "Europe", this probably means you can use the same account to play on either of the two megaservers with the same account. Assuming it does characters will probably carry over aswell.
  11. this is what im refering too. Attack speed will obviusly work on normal and heavy attacks, but what is unclear to me is if the animation's of Weapon skills will be faster too. If you have played another MMO then in general magic type abilities use 'cast speed' while attack type abilities use 'attack speed' just like basic attacks. I.E. will increasing attack speed allow me to use the dual weapon skill "twin slashes" more often and will the 15% increased attackspeed from Flurry's morph reduce it's own channel time? Like If i'm going to mainly use abilities then attack speed would not be very useful otherwise.
  12. PC master race! You did raise a question with: Since I've noticed that you can choose United States or Europe through the ESO client, does this mean you can play on both mega servers with the same account? And if you can do characters transfer? (This might be breaking NDA and I won't mind if this is deleted but you just made me think a bit)
  13. Hi, I'm 18 years old from Sweden, Northern Europe. Hopefully I will get my hands on 'Prime' for my character name, although the chance is slim ESO allow special characters so I'm not too worried. Probably rolling sorcerer because in general teleportation abilities that does not require enemy targets are OP (especially considering there won't be cooldowns).
  14. Does weapon skill animations use attack speed or cast speed?
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