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Balek Surnosh

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About Balek Surnosh

  • Birthday 04/05/1976

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Stow, Ohio
  • Interests
    Gaming (duh), Drawing, MMA, sports.

Balek Surnosh's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I'm just trying to get confirmation of the actual date you can begin when you get the IE. March 30th?
  2. I KNEW IT!!! I kept asking myself..WHY I wanted to play a High Elf Templar in the AD? There it is. Kate Beckinsale. GOD I think that woman is so incredibly hot. Coincidence? I think not. Only one logical answer here.... She's stalking me.
  3. I have planned from the start to play a High Elf Templar.
  4. UGH! I despise the fact there even has to be Build calculators, cookie cutter builds, etc. WHEN will we get a game that truly allows a player to customize and be unique and yet still useful without there being a few definitive builds all groups are looking for and you better have or you are left out in the cold? WHEN LORD WHEN!
  5. What worries me about this is the PvP side of things. We all know griefers and all around Dbags exist in PvP settings. Seems if the above quoted is indeed the case, it will only lend to such griefers having unlimited access to resetting their bad reputations and starting all over with little reprocussions other than a fee to do so.
  6. Any word on a customizable UI system? Will there be quick tab buttons for bagged items like Health/Mana/Stamina potions so you don't have to open your bag in the middle of a fight and take a beating?
  7. Anyone know a viable build for a Templar that allows for decent Healing and DPS (Both PvE/PvP)? I have already looked at the ones posted...but really, I am unimpressed. May just try my own combo once the game releases, but want to see what someone else may have. All the number crunching for mitigation, DoT, blah blah blah...makes my head hurt.
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