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  1. Revising my thoughts for an Orc NB Berserker.Thinking of going 2H instead of DW. I'm trying to cut back on Magicka costs. 2H allows me to use Reverse Slash over Assassins Blade and Critical Strike over Teleport Strike.Orc, 5Medium+2Light or 7MediumFocus on Orc, Armor, Siphon, and Weapon PassivesRefreshing Shadow and Battle Rush can hopefully help with Stamina recovery.2H1 Mark Target2 Critical Strike3 Shadow Cloak4 Veiled Strike5 Reverse SlashU. BerserkerBow1. Siphoning Strikes2. Scatter Shot3. Volley4. Haste, Cripple, Path of Darkness*5. Poison ArrowU- Consuming Darkness maybeWhen not with a healer I'll need Strife on 2H loadout. Maybe remove Veiled and come out of SC with one of the others. In PvE I might want Cleave.Get in, do a lot of damage quickly. Dodge roll, SC and scramble away. With Orc+Medium passives I could have the best sprint speed at lowest cost. Switch to bow and Siphon res back while kiting or staying behind allies. *Haste could help Siphon faster, Cripple could help kite. PoD a possibility for strafing but Haste most likely the option.Don't have the Assassination passives for Crit chance. (Maybe Hemmorage) but maybe Arcane Warrior the 2H ability will help.http://eso.massyx.de/1frsrx1Rough setup. Maybe an unrealistic number of passives so far. Nothings set in stone.Edit:Momentum is another option,could have slotted opposite Bow's Haste.(Or even use Haste on both)I do miss the Stun that TS gives me. Maybe I can come out of Shadow Cloak with Uppercut the follow that with another Critical Strike as an alternative combo.
  2. Thanks for the comments I'll keep that in mind. I still like Drain Power because even though I'm more single target than AoE I plan to fight with a small group. Can't count on being able to fight 1v1 all the time and that's about my only contribution to the team(other than killing) is debuffing our enemies. I also like Shadow Cloak so I can have Refreshing Shadow working for me. So long as Flurry isnt easy to interrupt that might be a good addition. Whirlwind/Assassins Blade was my thought for finisher. Probably more Assassins Blade but Whirlwind maybe PvE. I'll keep Death Stroke in mind, don't know anything about any of the Morphs ATM.
  3. PS4 player for Daggerfall Covenant always looking to meet more allies!

    1. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      wawawewa, Mandalore...

  4. First Elder Souls Post!! Planning to play on PS4 in Daggerfall Covenant. Berserker Orc Nightblade 5 Medium, 2 Heavy(Chest, Greaves) [Option to go the opposite at times depending on group] Dual Wield Maces(Possibly Daggers)* 1. Teleport Strike 2. Cripple 3. Drain Power 4. Whirlwind/Assassin's Blade 5. Strife(Maybe Shadow Cloak or Siphoning Strikes**) Ultimate- Orc Racial "Berserk" Bow 1. Scatter Shot 2. Volley 3. Poison Arrow 4. Haste 5. Siphoning Strikes** Ultimate-Soul Shred or Consuming Darkness Intending to do alot of questing and PvP with a small group. Will be teamed up with a Dragonknight alot and Templar(s). Meant to be a mostly single target fighter. Harass with bow, do damage up close. Berserk + Drain Power while sped up(Cripple) hopefully very affective once I reach Ultimate. When with a group maybe Strife can be replaced by a better damage dealing attack. Siphon/Strife + Health Regen to help keep me intact. 5 Medium for stealth and stamina boosts and so I can swing Maces faster. *Maces to make me affective against heavier foes as I'm not so much built up as a hunter. Daggers with all the Crit passives sounds intriguing too tho. Maybe depend on team again. **Siphoning Strikes on either, but most likely Bow. Could use Shadowcloak to disengage, switch to Bow. Siphon and Kite then back in the action. Comments, questions, insults? lol
  5. Mandalore


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