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Everything posted by dionysis

  1. ouch thats quite a painfull find - thanks for info, and your correct on the other part aswel sadly ~ theres no way poisons in ESO unlike skyrim etc All and all i noticed how you kinda wanna avoid mushrooms all together
  2. Alderic in general you would be right, only your forgetting the guys in light armor (so they can basicly cast 8more spells in the same combat) can keep up 1 armor spell to exerperience the same armor as heavy thus gaining 5-7more casts, while beying as tanky as a heavy armor normaly it would be ''no, cuz the other has heavy armor AND those defense skils''...but in this game the soft and hard cap are so easyly obtained the light armored mage would also hit hardcap
  3. No refunds ! I'll order a chainmail, made out of 200 of those rings
  4. no funkhead, cuz the guy in heavy armor is already sitting at soft/hard cap and while the heavy spends 7gearpieces the light armor gets the light armor passives which arguably seem better in 95% of all cases ^^
  5. seems like a nic screen to help us stat-grinders
  6. actualy it seems hp regen softcap is sitting around 2,4-2,5% of your max health each 2 sec............So someone fully going into hp regen can prob get max 4-5%total hp pool regened if he uses active abiltys that increase hp regen when under affect of the skil (this will avoid the caps)
  7. in all honesty, dont be shocked if this are all plants in eso incase you dont believe - the rune page came from lvl50++people and also is a pretty short list I know i didnt find any new plants in cyrodill, a place that also drops lvl50 metals,woods etc
  8. Not at all make shure to drop an effect this spreadsheet might be missing on !!
  9. at home im logging in without and issue, at my lil brothers pc i cant login at all same error issue weird
  10. Potency Runes (Blue shrines) (Square shape)Potency Runes either have additive effects or subtractive effects. Examples would be a Glyph that adds elemental damage to a weapon or a Glyph that reduces the amount of damage taken from attacks. Additive RunesRune - Translation - Potency level - Glyph Title - Gear levelJora - Develop - Level 1 - Trifling - Level 1 - 10Porade - Add - Level 1+ - Inferior - Level 5 - 15Jera - Increase - Level 2 - Petty - Level 10 - 20Jejora - Raise - Level 2+ - Slight - Level 15 - 25Odra - Gain - Level 3 - Minor - Level 20 - 30Pojora - Supplement - Level 3+ - Lesser - Level 25 - 35Edora - Boost - Level 4 - Moderate - Level 30 - 40Jaera - Advance - Level 4+ - Average - Level 35 - 45Pora - Augment - Level 5 - Strong - Level 40 - 50Denara - Strengthen - Level 5+ - Strong - Level 40 - 50Rera - Exaggerate - Level 6 - Greater - Level VR1-VR3Derado - Empower - Level 7 - Greater - Level VR3-VR5Recura - Magnify - Level 8 - Grand - Level VR5-VR8Cura - Intensify - Level 9 - ??? - Level VR8-VR10 Subtractive RunesRune - Translation - Potency level - Glyph Title - Gear levelJode - Reduce - Level 1 - Trifling - Level 1 - 10Notade - Subtract - Level 1+ - Inferior - Level 5 - 15Ode - Shrink - Level 2 - Petty - Level 10 - 20Tade - Decrease - Level 2+ - Slight - Level 15 - 25Jayde - Deduct - Level 3 - Minor - Level 20 - 30Edode - Lower - Level 3+ - Lesser - Level 25 - 35Pojode - Diminish - Level 4 - Moderate - Level 30 - 40Rekude - Weaken - Level 4+ - Average - Level 35 - 45Hade - Lessen - Level 5 - Strong - Level 40 - 50Idode - Impair - Level 5+ - Strong - Level 40 - 50Pode - Remove - Level 6 - Greater - Level VR1-VR3Kedeko - Drain - Level 7 - Greater - Level VR3-VR5Rede - Deprive - Level 8 - Grand - Level VR5-VR8Kude - Negate - Level 9 - ??? - Level VR8-VR10 Essence Runes (Yellow shrines) (Trapezoid shape)Rune - TranslationDekeipa - FrostDeni - StaminaDenima - Stamina RegenDeteri - ArmorHaoko - DiseaseKaderi - ShieldKuoko - PoisonMakderi - Spell HarmMakko - MagickaMakkoma - Magicka RegenMeip - ShockOko - HealthOkoma - Health RegenOkori - PowerOru - AlchemistRakeipa - FireTaderi - Physical Harm Aspect Runes (Red shrines) (Round shape)Aspect Runes determine the quality of the Glyph created.Rune - Translation - Quality - Aspect levelTa - Base - White Item - Level 1Jejota - Fine - Green Item - Level 1Denata - Superior - Blue Item - Level 2Rekuta - Artifact - Purple Item - Level 3Kuta - Legendary - Yellow Item - Level 4 Glyphs (Combine 3 Runes to make a Glyph)This is a list of Rune combinations and resulting Glyphs. To make a Glyph listed, simply replace “Add†with an additive Potency Rune or replace “Sub†with a subtractive Potency Rune, chose the desired Essence Rune and set the quality of the Glyph using an Aspect Rune. For Weapons:Spoiler: Rune - Glyph of … - DescriptionAdd + Dekeipa - Frost - Deals (x) Frost DamageAdd + Haoko - Foulness - Deals (x) Disease DamageAdd + Kuoko - Poison - Deals (x) Poison DamageAdd + Meip - Shock - Deals (x) Shock DamageAdd + Okori - Rage - Increase your Power by (x) for (y) secondsAdd + Rakeipa - Flame - Deals (x) Fire DamageAdd + Deteri - Hardening - Grants a (x) point Damage Shield for (y) seconds Sub + Makko - Absorb Magicka - Deals (x) Magic Damage and recovers (y) MagickaSub + Oko - Absorb Health - Deals (x) Magic Damage and recovers (y) HealthSub + Okoma - Decrease Health - Deals (x) unresistable damageSub + Okori - Weakening - Reduce target Power by (x) for (y) secondsSub + Deni - Absorb Stamina - Deals (x) Magic Damage and recovers (y) StaminaSub + Deteri - Crushing - Reduce targets Armor by (x) for (y) seconds For Armor:Spoiler: Rune - Glyph of … - DescriptionAdd + Makko - Magicka - Adds (x) Max MagickaAdd + Oko - Health - Adds (x) Max HealthAdd + Deni - Stamina - Adds (x) Max Stamina For Jewelry:Spoiler: Rune - Glyph of … - DescriptionAdd + Taderi - Increase Physical Harm - Adds (x) Weapon DamageAdd + Okoma - Health Regen - Adds (x) Health RecoveryAdd + Makkoma - Magicka Regen - Adds (x) Magicka RecoveryAdd + Kaderi - Bashing - Increase Bash Damage by (x)Add + Denima - Stamina Regen - Adds (x) Stamina RecoveryAdd + Oru - Potion Boost - Increase Potion effect by (x)Add + Makderi - Increase Magical Harm - Adds (x) Spell Damage Sub + Dekeipa - Frost Resist - Adds (x) Frost ResistanceSub + Kuoko - Poison Resist - Adds (x) Poison ResistanceSub + Makderi - Decrease Spell Harm - Adds (x) Spell ResistanceSub + Taderi - Decrease Physical Harm - Adds (x) ArmorSub + Denima - Reduce Feat Cost - Reduce Stamina cost of abilities by (x)Sub + Haoko - Disease Resist - Adds (x) Disease ResistanceSub + Kaderi - Shielding - Reduce cost of Bash by (x) and reduce cost of Blocking by (y)Sub + Makkoma - Reduce Spell Cost - Reduce Magicka cost of Spells by (x)Sub + Meip - Shock Resist - Adds (x) Shock ResistanceSub + Oru - Potion Speed - Reduce the cooldown of Potions below this item’s level by (x) secondsSub + Rakeipa - Fire Resist - Adds (x) Fire ResistanceSub + Deteri - Crushing - Reduce targets Armor by (x) for (y) seconds
  11. Each plant has 4 possible hidden effects, here you can see the effect already discovered you combine 2(later 3) different plants and these need to combine 2 similar effects Effects with a ? mark still need to be confirmed Example wormwood (+wepcrit) and water hyacint (+wepcrit) will generate a +weaponcrit potion Synergizing ingredients to make double potion (for example gain +80hp AND +80magicka ) can be done, if you find 2 plants that both for example give +magicka and +magicka columbine and buggloss would create doublepotion for example Wormwood 1.+wep crit 2.-speed 3.+ detection 4.UNSTOPPABLE?nirnroot 1.-hp 2.------- 3.-wep crit 4.invisiblenamira's rot 1.spell crit 2.+speed 3.invisible 4.----------Mountain flower 1. +armor 2.+hp 3.-weppower 4.+staminaLumminous russula 1.-stamina 2.-wep pow 3.+hp 4.-speedLady's smock 1.+spellpow 2.+magicka 3.+spellcrit 4.-----------emetic russula 1.-hp 2.-magicka 3.------------- 4.-----------Dragon thorn 1. +wep pow 2.+stamina 3.+wep crit 4.-----------columbine 1. +hp 2.+magick 3.+stamina 4. UNSTOPPABBLE?Bugloss 1.+spell resist 2.+hp 3.-spellpow 4.+magickablessed thristle 1.+stamina 2.+wep power 3.-hp 4.+speedwater hyacint 1.+hp 2.spell crit 3.+wep crit 4.---------white cap 1.-spellpow 2.-magicka 3.------- 4.---------blue entoloma 1.-magicka 2.-spellpow 3.+hp 4.Invisible?voilet corpernicus 1.-spell resist 2. ------- 3.---------- 4.----------corn flower 1.+magicka 2. + spellpower 3.-hp 4.+detectionimp stool 1.-wep power 2. +armor 3.-wep crit 4.------------Stink horn 1.-armor 2.-hp 3.----------- 4.------------ Everybody feel free to fill in the blanks ^^
  12. the game seems to specificly talk about Spell critical (magicka driven abilitys)and Weapon critical (which hints stamina based atks) white atks on a weapons are stamina, excluding stafss which are magicka 1.they seem to be the same thing, only weapon crit might also aplly on magical staffs, so that could be the only difference 2.yes since these are stamina based unless wielding a staff 3.again stamina veruss magicka answers that 4.yes especialy if your using a stamina wep and abiltys or spell wep(staffs)and spells Basicly crits would improve dmg, and the increaserates are very high...so are the crit resist rates (litarly double) so itll be very effective, or hardly effective based on enemys setup
  13. considering this discussion and my own findings, im fairly shure the beta has a hardcap that scales everything to 1 setup right now, and they prob take that out lateron (they did state they wanted us to benchmark pvp to find exploits....thats something you best can do when all char are practicly same strenght, so its only actives that make a difference) Again this shows lvl50, vetern 10 white gears eventualy eveyrbody will wear this as a BARE minimum slap on legendary and you get +40%armor right ontop of the plain stats If the caps are rly just like they are in beta, there wouldnt be any reason to increase gear beyond white....that sounds already very unlogical
  14. Well thanks for confirming that then, if thats the case then gear,stapoints and char progression does not matter at al?
  15. The meaning of the sheet is just to give a simple, clean overlook how max white craft armors compare and to answer Actualy because nobody was getting close to lvl50 in cyrodill they get the fake lvl50stats, a real lvl50 will have way higher stats then we all had in cyrodil our gears statpoints etc was all improved to 1 squashy charactersetup all that differed us were actives, this will change completly when someone gets lvl35ish+ Also this is lvl50 lvl10 vetern rank white armors, this means when your 'max max lvl'' this is how white armors look like, dont forget you can go white->green->blue->purple->golden qualty on them aswel Considering soft and hard caps at lvl15 and lvl23 i did saw big increases to the caps,if the cap increases keep jumping up as linear as they do, im feeling a full heavy purple vetern lvl10 will be about 70% towards softcap
  16. Basicly this confirms what was in the old post from thal also they changed the numbers again anyways its good as it is, the soft and hardcaps are everpresent
  17. i figured it was late, went to bed it works again dunno what happend cuz i reloaded and restarted my browser and Inet a few times lol
  18. I suddenly cant join the chatroom and will try later
  19. dionysis

    google find

    nice pic i just found
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