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Everything posted by Tidezen

  1. Given what we know so far it seems totally viable. in addition to the other NB skills you mention, don't forget Haste, good one to spend magicka on without feeling like a spell.I'm going the opposite direction (pure magicka nightblade), but I hope your build works out great!
  2. What, you've never heard of a fish tank?
  3. I don't think AD will be known as the "pro" faction, because I think people are overlooking the RP crowd. And the furry crowd. I say this having played on the Moon Guard server in WoW for a number of years. BY FAR the most RP-ed race on Horde was blood elves (no surprise), on Alliance it was night elves (again, no surprise), followed by humans, who may have been eclipsed by worgen when those got released. The worgen RPers just exploded when that race was released. Not to mention, there was always a huge glut of all-cat guilds (druids in cat form). You couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting another one on my server. Two big things about RPers I've gleaned over the years: A. they gravitate towards attractive races B. many of them enjoy playing haughty races So you've got a faction with TWO types of attractive elves and a literal cat-person race? Guess what, you're going to have ALL the furries and a good 60-70% of the casual RP population in your alliance then. These people are not known for being hardcore raiders or PvPers. I do think the other two alliances will be basically like what people have said before. I plan to have 3 characters, one in each alliance, so it'll be interesting to see what the differences are in each community.
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