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Everything posted by Craizer

  1. Big Steel, Bones picked me up and we never knew we had played against each other or with one another back in the days of Darktide. He pretty much sold me on the bid when we both knew the same people in that game. It was a small community of like minded people and all for the most sake were very respectable. That is what I went here and no better to have that with the leaders of the group from that history or era of gaming. I am almost 36 as well so I am an older gamer as well. You are more then welcome to join up with us all. Just go to the website and create and account and join us over there. http://bloodcrowntempest.enjin.com/recruitment See you soon!
  2. Craizer

    Guild Website

    Our new website is in the process of being restructured and will be complete very soon, since beta weekend just finished. If you are interested in joining an elite group of members please feel go to the website and submit an application. We are currently recruiting to get ready for launch. Thanks Craizer http://bloodcrowntempest.enjin.com/recruitment
  3. Last two betas I was told on the Tuesday of that week, so lets hope for the same in the next few days.
  4. Not sure if anyone else has seen this site, but another skill tree http://skills.tesotools.com/
  5. Very good points Irons!
  6. So, with that being said. My friend is going to play a Sorc, the guy that wants to tank said he wants to be a Templar hybrid. So should I build around them or fill a role. I have been leading towards NB and DK, but then I start thinking of pvp and am curious if pvp is going to need more range.So many different scenarios and things to take into consideration
  7. You don't think a Nightblade could tank with there sipon life and other utilities they have?
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