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CanisPanther last won the day on January 21 2014

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  1. Yeah it's a good match up. I'm making a melee Sorc and Redguard was a clear choice because of the Brovenant, but with the pre order any faction deal, it is tough. More Stam more weapon damage, more crit damage more weapon damage. More resource more damage and utility, more crit chance more damage and heal (surge). More max stamina or healing regeneration? I like the skeleton makeup for Redguard and I also like being a Thundercat.
  2. If I'm going non- Nightblade melee, who's passives will mean the most. Adrenaline Rush v.s. Carnage, max stamina v.s. health regeneration?
  3. The hardest part I'm havin with my Blitzkrieg Sorc is a heal debuff. We have tons of mobility, crits, and heals, just nothing outside of Negate Magic to stop heals. Hopefully they have an enchant to compensate for this.
  4. I had tons of fun with my melee Sorc. I pretty much skimped out on any mana and went hard with Stamina. Critical Charge stunlock was intense. With the morph you'd critchargestunheavyattack rinse and repeat until Reverse Slash. I crafted swords and improved them to devastating effect. All in all though, it's a shit show when it comes to pvp, feels a lot like GW2 except I felt a lot deadlier in GW2. It was a lagg beta, I look forward to the next one. I did feel powerful, but unless I got someone singled out by myself, it was whoever hit their button at the right time secured the kill. Life's good, melee Sorc was great in PvP and PvE.
  5. It only works once you put points into the passive, so early to mid game, it's a fairly level playing ground as I've not noticed a swing speed differential.
  6. Mace ignores % of armor.Swords increases damage by %.Axe has chance to proc bleed debuff.
  7. I have no invites, it says my user ID I'd @CanisPanther, but feel free to try my in game name as well: Giving Up The GhostYou could also surrender your ID as well
  8. Playing as a Redguard, feel free to add me though as I'll try all alliances if I can.Account name: CanisPanther
  9. And we will be the exception to rule. Just when you think you've got it figured out, going to hit you with the new cool.
  10. I know what server you're on, don't make me come over there and help you roflstomp.
  11. I play Xbox One so it's the obvious choice for serious gamers.Add me:AKHarvester
  12. Bound Armor is interesting to me because it lacks definition. I say this because with the Morph, it says "+25%" to armor, what it doesn't say is if it's a bonus to overall armor or just the armor bonus from the ability itself. Say Rank 3 of Bound Armor is 33 armor, that's a little over 7.5 extra armor. Now, if it applies to overall armor, obviously this move is much better. Of course, you know me, you say Bound Armor and I Immediately look at the damage bonus it gives, 8% isn't the best until we: a. Rank it up. b. Find higher damaging weapons. Oh man, the possibilities to max out melee damage are endless with a Sorcerer.
  13. Man Warhorn is a chunk of change, it'd also have to restore ST/MP to really get a bang for my buck. Highborn would almost be better because you're getting a garunteed resource. I don't know, I do dig the buff bar though, a well rounded array of buffs, and bound to make people rage with Rapid Maneuver and Bolt Escape. Bide your time in safe territory before you strike again. Hopefully our opener is enough to close the deal sooner than later because we weaken if someone can outlast our resources, thank God we only pick on squishes. Still thinking Medium/Heavy armor is the way to go seeing as how we've become a more focused single target bezerkr. I can't wait for beta to put the training shoes on this build.
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