Tanking class comparison I've made a list of abilities you will want available as a tank on the spreadsheet linked at the bottom of the thread. To avoid this getting to wordy most will be point form. General summary for tanking: -Any class can tank, just need proper attribute distribution, heavy armor, and a 1 handed weapon equipped with a shield. -Class skills provide variety, CC, buffs, heals, DoTs, Ultimates, Debuffs, AoE and resource management skills to round out the build -You don't want anything that has a cast if you can help it, stick to auras or instant abilities if you can in order to keep your shield up blocking as best as possible. It's not the most dynamic way of playing but ensuring you have your skills active at all times while focusing on blocking, body position, dodging and taunting. -Stamina Stamina Stamina Stamina! Did I mention stamina? One thing I noticed is that all of your core tank abilities from the sword and board or heavy armor tree require stamina, not to mention blocking, dodging and heavy attacks. At first I though magicka would be an issue but I've now come to the conclusion that stamina will be your priority. -Puncture: does decent dmg, taunts and sunders the enemies armor is priority #1 keep it up -Low slash: does dmg, snares and reduces enemies weapon damage is priority #2 -To get all of the sword and board, heavy armor and class skill Active abilities and passives it will take 48 Skill points by the time you're done morphing. Class summaries: Dragonknight Dragonknight Skill points (SP's): 48 SP from the general skills 44 SP from the dragonknight skills 24 for one crafting profession 10 for abilities I missed abilities I missed 126 is the Approx. total Dragonknight Pros -Ultimate, DoTs, HoTs, Auras, lots of CC, and shields. The dragonknight has it all, but you only have 10 slots Dragonknight Cons -Well since it has it all you will want it all and that is going to take lots of skill points, 44 skill points by my count. This will be the most skill point intensive build if you try to get all the different options and that is the only negative I could see. Templar Templar Skill points 48 SP from the general skills 34 SP from the Templar skills 24 for one crafting profession 10 for abilities I missed abilities I missed 116 is the Approx. total Templar Pros -Shields w/ AoE, buffs/aura/regen, Ultimate ability. The templar will accel at keeping buffs and auras on those around him and having shields that damage the enemy Templar Cons -They have little to no CC to control mob groups Sorcerer Sorcerer Skill points 48 SP from the general skills 30 SP from the sorcerer skills 24 for one crafting profession 10 for abilities I missed abilities I missed 112 is the Approx. total Sorcerer Pros -Bound armor!, pets, CC and AoE will fill out the tanking hot bars nicely. Sorcerer Cons -There are no buffs or auras for you or your surrounding party Nightblade Nightblade Skill points 48 SP from the general skills 26 SP from the nightblade skills 24 for one crafting profession 10 for abilities I missed abilities I missed 108 is the Approx. total Nightblade Pros -Great resource management, DoTs, HoTs, and debuffs Nightblade Cons -No tank ultimate and little to no CC to control mob groups My thoughts and why: -This is just a guide! You can do whatever you want with your skill selections I've just gone through them all and are trying to help people decide which class fits there playstyle best. -The skill point calculations are very loose and I based them on morphing all the abilities in my spreadsheet and maxing the passives I've noted. You may choose to take less and reduce the skill point totals or add others. -I tried to take only the abilities that would aid tanking in the form of buffs, debuffs, CC, AoE, group Aura's, heals, DoTs, HoT's etc. -I really like DoTs for tanking, easy dmg ability to fit into a rotation involving Puncture/Low slash/Dots/Debuff's/Buffs and just keeping those abilities active on their respective targets. I really hope they add a timer mod soon after release so I don't have to count Mississippi's in my head Spreadsheet Link to look at complete list of abilities I've chosen https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/...3c&usp=sharing