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Everything posted by Orion

  1. You sound like a giant douche.... or maybe a turd sandwich... the jury is stil out on that one.
  2. I'm interested in the bound armaments morph for bound armor. Anyone think the bonus to heavy attack damage would be worth the sacrifice of 11% of your magika for a pvp dps build? Anyone know if it will stack with overload? I'm hoping to center my build around white damage using mages fury as my mana sink. This is the build im looking at currently - PVP (5 Light 2 Heavy) Shock Destro - DPS Weakness to Elements Entropy/Force Shock Mages Fury Encase Immovable Ult - Overload Resto- Buff Bolt Escape - Ball of Lightning Armor - Armaments - 8% Heavy Attack Buff Magelight - Crit increase Twilight - Mana Regen Dark Exchange Ult- Highborn
  3. So this thread got me off my lurking ass. Hope to get a key and join you guys in game. Falkner, I'm with you on that luck thing. This weekend would be ideal though, getting shoulder surgery Friday and could use something to take my mind off it (besides the lovely meds).
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