New Site! : “… people didn’t seem to be able to remember what it was like with the elves around. Life was certainly more interesting then, but usually because it was shorter. And it was more colorful, if you liked the color of blood.†― Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies Elderblade was established on 11/12/13 The guild is new, but the ideals and leadership are not, rest assured there is ample experience here! WE are:
[*]Aldmeri Dominion ~Magic, Warriors, Cunning Khajiit and Wood Elves, long lived High Elves…we have it all!
[*]Age ~ We are a guild of Elders, Veterans, and the Battle Hardened. But if you are young, disciplined and eager you may join our ranks as well.
[*]PVX ~ We want to do it all from Raiding to Dungeons, to PvP and Crafting
[*]Real life friendly, casual atmosphere with a hardcore spirit WE have:
[*]Professional Forums
[*]Appealing Graphical Interface
[*]Mature Community
[*]Your own personal blogs!
[*]Voice Chat - Gamevox Server
[*]Casual Atmosphere that is “Life Friendly†but with a strong desire to progress and dominate
[*]Friendly, helpful, mature and drama free members
[*]We aim to be a medium sized guild so we can keep a close knit community WE want:
[*]Male and Female gamers looking for a little older crowd
[*]Those that will be loyal and help grow the guild to its greatest potential
[*]Those in it for the long haul
[*]Smart and Friendly gamers, ready to help EVERYONE be their best
[*]Experienced veteran gamers
[*]Newcomers willing and ready to learn
[*]Those that like to RP to help us build our guild lore
[*]PVP Gods
[*]PVE Imortals
[*]Teacher and Trainers
[*]Loyalty – If you wish to join us…then join US, and you will be our brother or sister!
[*]People who do not fall for the lure of “Zerg†guilds where you will just be a faceless number in their ranks. Come grow with us, come be a part of something new, make some new friends, walk into the game with people ready to group up and play, come be a part of Elderblade.