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  1. My impressions in the beta were: Get out as much dmg as u can and get damaged the less you can. No matter if you are melee or ranged. So there is no use in going tanky for solo pve. Just go all out dps and cc your opponents, dodge/block the dmg or burst them down quickly. I was able to do solo dungeons 2-3 lvls above as 2handed dk while wearing mostly light armor, for example. And we finished the first dungeons with a group of lvl 10 (templer heal), 11(dk melee-dps), 11(dk tank), 12(templer melee-dps), all thrown together by the groupfinder.
  2. There is a passive in the DW-tree that gives every dw-attack 20% bonus dmg to targets below 25%. So you can call Flying Blade an executioner but the bonus dmg is not that high compared to the other skills, I think.
  3. if that is true, then 2handed weapons are useless, cause they have the same dmg as 1handed weapons
  4. Your left-click-attacks are always right-left-right-left-... Your skilldmg is using the dmg of your righthand-weapon and your max stamina, I suppose.
  5. It is not like skyrim. Block, speed, on-hit-dmg is all the same for dw and 2hand. The difference is only the active and passiv skills. But the craftable sets are something I wonder about, too. All 2handed weapons are one slot short to use 3 sets. But maybe you are not allowed to use more than one set at the same time.
  6. http://eso.massyx.de/1ihQbG2 maybe switch Momentum and Reverse Slash Bar 1 is dmg Bar --> charge in, cause Terror Bar 2 is only support --> buff allies, pull enemys into killrange 7 HA, or a Mix of 5 HA + 2 other 2hand 25 health, 24 stamina
  7. I would like to know this, too thx! And pls add the morphs for fiery breath, if you can.
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