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  1. Here is what I know: 1. I plan on rolling up Nightblade since they seem to possess the kind of versatility that I'm looking for. 2. I'm narrowed my races down to Orc and Khajit. The lizards seem to weak and aren't ugly enough. (I like playing really ugly, female toons. Don't judge me. I also tend to make them as short as possible.) 3. I will be a sword and board on primary set, and probably on secondary set as well. If the game has the opportunity, I'll use a buckler and dagger and find a cool dress for my girl. Depending on how many skill points that I'm able to acquire, I may make the second bar a different weapon skill. 4. Siphoning is nice and allows me to have some sort of ranged attack as well as a self heal.Questions for those willing to answer:1. Besides the crouching walk and Shadow Cloak, are there any other ways of going into stealth mode? 2. If I roll a Khajit and wear medium armor, would my shield hinder the effectiveness of stealth in PVP? (I'm leaning toward this build, but I'm not sold, yet.) 3. If I roll an Orc and wear heavy armor, would I be as tanky as a a Dragon Knight or Templar? 4. Are there any defensive skills that I should look into? 5. Are there any offensive skills that I should look into?Thanks for the wonderful site!
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