Few questions about blocking: 1) damage reduction (physical only?) is different if we consider shield block, 2h weapon block and dual wielding weapons block, but could someone give me numbers on that?; 2) mechanics of blocking – “pure†block means that I have raised shield/weapon (holding right mouse button) and I’m waiting for attack or I can bash opponent anytime (clicking left mouse button while holding RMB)– this is standard block and in that process after hitting he won’t be off-balanced? - “parrying†block means that I have raised shield/weapon and I’m waiting for attack animation (only doable with enemy power attacks?) to bash (LMB) and in that process after successful “parry†he will be off-balanced? 3) blocking damage reduction is applied to physical attacks (for sure - swords, axes, hammers, daggers and shield’s bash) only?. But what about arrows? Same/less amount? Is hitting box for DW or 2h smaller than shield’s (I’m facing archer ofc)? 4) damage from spells is reduced (only?) by overall magic/element resistance or I can block some damage from f.e. fireball (projectile type of attack not sfrom staves) ? 5) can I parry special attacks from weapon skills (Low Slash, Uppercut etc.) or it’s “technically†impossible due to overall game mechanic or very fast animations?