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Everything posted by sekio321

  1. Sekio: I like the idea behind this build. I'd try to balance stam/magicka bit more by taking Immovable probably on even both of your bars. You're also very mixed right now between weapon power + spell power, which isn't a good idea. I'd recommend going SP. It's too early to say whether a build like this will really be effective or not, it depends on too many things, but this is something similar to what I initially wanted to play as so I like what you're going for. -Musclemagic Correct my goal is for most of my damage to come from SP. But as you can see everything I have on here is to help me with a sustainable DOT spec mainly SP with a dash of WP for the bleed and fire enchant, my goal is not to focus on the actual weapon damage but the effects of the weapon, I do need one good active defense skill but immovable doesn't seem to be all that great with this set up got plus its not a skill i would see my self using. Any suggestions? Darn I just saw a flaw, my skills are all ranged based (good for initiation) but my weapon damage is melee (bleed and fire enchant), I can see situations where this will cause issuesmaybe if I used a destruction staff it would work out better, allowing me to have slows from frost staff or dot from fire staff. But once the server starts up again i will be able to test out, and not just have theory. Would love to see how magicka stam and health affect damage output. Argonian NB, destro staff resto staff 2heavy 5light destro staff-fire destructive toucj haste cripple siphoning strike strife ult-soul shred Rstaff regeneration force siphon entropy agony cripple If I use this I will mainly be using SP for all skills thats ok though since they are completely different uses one for damage and one for cc/healing this would be pure ranged save it be my ult which is 6m. Argonian NB, DW-axes/fire enchant or life steal resto staff 5heavy 2light DW twin slashes haste cripple siphoning strike strife ult-soul shred Rstaff regeneration force siphon entropy agony cripple not sure which one to use they both look fun
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