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Everything posted by watzzup

  1. So ill trade dragon blood for rapid maneuver .
  2. This is not my build,but i am thinking about using it for pvp. Anyone have a reason why i shouldn't. Destruction Staff -Force shock -obsidian shield -Dragon blood,entrophy or maybe even lava whip for those teleporting guys -immovable: survival/before you switch bars -weakness to elements:for obvious reasons Dual wield or sword and board -Fiery Grip: so they cant run has a great morph that decrases their armor by 40% -Searing Strike :use after fiery grip/still sexy -Flurry/so also use after fiery grip or puncture -Ash cloud:survival at its finest -Hidden Blade or low slash I posted this here on iron request,but i cant decide whether or not to use DW or SS.
  3. This is not my build,but i am thinking about using it for pvp. Anyone have a reason why i shouldn't. Destruction Staff -Force shock -obsidian shield -Dragon blood,entrophy or maybe even lava whip for those teleporting guys -immovable: survival/before you switch bars -weakness to elements:for obvious reasons Dual wield or sword and board -Fiery Grip: so they cant run has a great morph that decrases their armor by 40% -Searing Strike :use after fiery grip/still sexy -Flurry/so also use after fiery grip or puncture -Ash cloud:survival at its finest -Hidden Blade or low slash
  4. Your right,the morph that decreases their armor is fiery grip,then when their close unleash your flurry & searing strike,because it will have bonus damage due to weakness to elements. I see what your doing their ghost thx alot i couldnt have asked for a better christmas present.
  5. Hey, iron s since destruction staffs are countered by spell resistance and bows is countered by armor which do you think will prove more effective?
  6. So what if i go with the destruction staff and put some group buffs on it then balance out my skill skill tree/class skils?
  7. Race high elve,because of shoddycast-dragon knight-5 medium 2 heavy. bow -Evasion:gain 15% dodge chance fer 17s -snipe:long range/high damage -dragon blood:self heal 27%, 40% increase health regen for 20 seconds.Great morph -poison arrow:Interrupt 3 sec/dot -Immovable: 8s immune knock back+stun, 17 armor & spell resist ult-magma armor 2 bar DW -fiery grip: you should know by now -searing strike:large spammable dot -lava whip:19 damage + stun -ash cloud:30% miss,70% dodge -spiked armor:also should know ult drafon knight standard These can be used in any order you want/balancing issues maybe,but high elf passive will help with mana & 5 medium with stamina.I can add points where they are needed. I was thinking the first bar should maybe have a destruction staff. Don't really know what i am doing,but these are the skills that caught my eye. option first bar fire destruction staff -Evasion or entrophy -hidden blade -Force shock -weakness to elements -immovable idk,i guess two peices of light instead of heavy if i use this.
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