I'm having all kinds of Skyrim issues lately. ***NOTE: I REALIZE THIS MAY NOT BE THE RIGHT PLACE TO COME TO FOR THIS PARTICULAR ISSUE, I was having no luck anywhere else, so ANY kind of help is much, much appreciated. So I tried googleing this, and some people said that there's some kind of bug that makes some of the background noise louder in the right speaker? I'm noticing this and it REALLY bothers me. So here's the deal, I play on my fancy limited edition Halo 4 xbox 360 slim, and I used to play on my old (I think it was sony) ancient, fat TV and it was real nice. But last night I got a brand new Vizio HD smart TV, and I am now using an HDMI cable instead of the old red white yellow audio/video cord thingy (Yeah I'm a noob at technology) I also use my Turtle Beach x12's. So my problem is, the footsteps and 'panting' sound when sprinting is almost all in the right speaker of my Turtle Beaches. Any other game that I play is just fine, with full surround sound in my beaches. It's only skyrim. I can hear music and rain well in both, along with just about everything else, but like I said, sprinting, my footsteps, drawing my bow/sword/spells is all in the right. It's sooooo annoying. Getting used to playing on an HD TV is hard enough, I really could do without the sound issues. /: Does anyone know anything about this issue, and is there any way to fix it?