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  1. I really don't know tbh, in beta the only skills I had were Rushed Ceremony, Grand Healing and Sun Fire. I kind of rushed into picking up a Resto staff thinking "I'm gonna be a healzor" I used my 1st two skill points on healing skills, only to realise I wasn't healing anyone lol. Then I picked up Sun Fire and used it constantly with a few blasts from the staff when Magicka was low (realised I won't need a bow now) Wasted the next couple of skill points making Alchemy & Enchanting materials highlighted in the world, so I didn't unlock anymore skills.Planning to be a main healer in groups and DPS solo.
  2. I really don't know tbh, in beta the only skills I had were Rushed Ceremony, Grand Healing and Sun Fire. I kind of rushed into picking up a Resto staff thinking "I'm gonna be a healzor" I used my 1st two skill points on healing skills, only to realise I wasn't healing anyone lol. Then I picked up Sun Fire and used it constantly with a few blasts from the staff when Magicka was low (realised I won't need a bow now) Wasted the next couple of skill points making Alchemy & Enchanting materials highlighted in the world, so I didn't unlock anymore skills.Planning to be a main healer in groups and DPS solo.
  3. vMonkey


    I was planning to go with Alchemy and Enchanting, being only able to master two professions.We can master all professions now? Would that not effect the economy if everyone can make anything themselves?Also, I was just wondering how easy it is to spot proffesion materials from a distance, on a good system with graphics set on high, (I only had the pleasure of running at minimum setting, and that barely handled it) Is it worth spending skill points to highlight them in the world?
  4. I'd be up for it on PS4, you all have a good level of knowledge about ESO, and as they say, knowledge is power! Lets bring the ownage!
  5. I leveled up in Resto staff while holding a Destro staff.Wut??
  6. Skill points - Crafting points?I read that enough skill points can be earned to learn every skill available, and that crafting points would be used for crafting, earning enough to max out two professions.While playing beta, I noticed that skill points seem to be shared across skills and crafting, I would of thought 'crafting points' are only earned by crafting, and can only be used in crafting, have I missed something? Or is it not fully implemented yet?
  7. crashed on me while logging in the 1st time, laptop locked up and had to reboot, worked fine after that although having to run on minimum settings so it doesnt look so great (bring on the PS4 )its hard to 'enjoy' playing on a sub-par system but i can see it will be good when played as its meant to be.enchanting was a little confusing to begin with but it seems it will be quite interesting when you gather enough resouces.hands up, who tryed to reveal alchemy atributes by eating them? lol.overall I think it will be a great game when played on something that can handle it well.I like how they have stopped people posting videos too, a little off putting to begin with but then hardly noticeable when you get going.
  8. Got mine, installing now :)musclemagic, cant be your pc spec, my laptops quite shit tbh, got a 3.3 base score
  9. Changing enchantments - Im assuming I can have 2 sets of armour, 1 for healing with a little bow dmg to use while in a dungeon party and the other for solo play aimed towards giving more dmg output, each set would be enchanted accordingly, I suppose another set for pvp too.I guess Ill just have to wait and see how it plays out when release day comes :)Thanks for all the info guys.
  10. A scoring system like in Battlefield would be good, you earn points for pretty much anything you do.
  11. Not sure about Argonians for healing, the +15% resto exp will be good for leveling up but will be useless once you hit max, +7% healing 'received' wont effect healing others.I like the sound of a sorcerer healer but it seems it wont be a good idea to use magicka for damage dealing at the same time as healing.Would I be able to use healing and bow together but then also use destruction magic for solo play? Would it weaken me on the whole having to level all 3?
  12. Thanks Musclemagic and irons that's some nice info.I'm thinking I want to be a main healer in dungeons but also be able to deal damage when playing solo (or in dungeons if I want a break from healing ), I figured Altmer would be best because of the magicka regen for healing and the destruction bonuses for damage dealing.I'm not looking for an easy option for healing by just spamming a single spell, I like to work for the result otherwise it gets boring (no healbotz here lol)Where is your FB page?
  13. When I look at some of the character build threads it all goes completely over my head, you guys seem to know every detail about what skills to use with what weapon & armour, im completely clueless about what I should go with but you guys talk of it like youve played for years.can anyone give me a clue of what to be looking at as a main healer? looking at the racial skill thread, I feel an Altmer would probably be best, after that I have no idea of what to be looking towards.
  14. How does running dungeons etc work?Is there a dungeon finder type function where you have to wait until a player has been found for each role?Or will it be a case of building your party manually, shouting in chat?
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