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  1. Get a load of this gem from the new variety pack: The only other alternative would have been to offer a collector's edition that offers no in-game items whatsoever. That simply didn't seem fair to fans who are excited about the game and want some special digital items. Does that seem fair to the vast majority of players who don't want to pay extra in a p2p game to get all the content, you know, the rest of the people who won't buy the CE? That's quite a lot. Is one a "real fan" if they only buy a CE because it has in-game exclusives, is the included physical memorabilia not enough? I for one would have gladly bought, or at least strongly considered, the IE if it didn't have any in-game bonuses. I'm interested in a CE if it's reasonably priced (100 or less), contains interesting physical items and doesn't contain any in-game boons. This one checks out otherwise, but I just don't feel right about paying for in-game exclusives. Now it doesn't feel right to buy the base game at all, because doing so supports shady bonuses like these. The only "AAA" game I've pre-ordered in the last few years was Skyrim, because it explicitly did NOT have any kind of pre-order bonuses. I was disappointed in the game for other reasons but I'm saddened to see that pre-order bonuses, especially ones in a p2p MMO, have become so acceptable.
  2. Strongly surprised and disappointed with their sudden change of heart regarding paywalls
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