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About Lamaj4Life

  • Birthday 01/02/1990

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    Hershey, PA
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. So, when you have a follower and you give them a scroll, will they be able to use it?
  2. But i heard rumor and that the follower in the college of winterhelm, j'zargo, could level up with you at level like 86 or so and people are always talking about lydia learning spells. But no one say as to how to do it. And maybe it is a rumor idk. I just want to see if this could actually work. And if it does. Then it could be helpful for a lot of people. But thankx 4 helpin out. And if ur intrested talk to other members or people you know and try this theory out
  3. Using scrolls I want to give my Follower spells and maybe I can use the Oghma Infinium book to level them up. Can anyone help me in this theory i have? If you have another ideas to this topic do tell.
  4. I will keep on looking. Thank you and if you see anything or find anymore information please contact me. Also, I will use this glich and see here it takes me Thankx
  5. I saw that too. I will most defiantly use that glitch to my advantage. So Thanks. And if you come up with anymore information try to contact me.
  6. Im thinking about using dead thrall on two master conjerers and teach them how to use dead thrall to revive the other dead and start a chain reaction.
  7. For a while now I have been wondering if at all possible, could we teach our followers spells on XBOX or PS3. And if anyone could help me as to how this could be accomplished it would be VERY VERY helpful.
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