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Everything posted by yerion

  1. You can put 2 skill points into that passive making it a 10% damage boost across the board for everything. It does sound abit too strong to me. I hink this is a big reason why so many DK's use resto staff aoe magicka builds on the pts.
  2. Flying blade is not an executioner. It does not do bonus damage based on how low the target is. Assasins blade and mage's fury are examples of execute abilities.
  3. I think dual wield would be the best complementary 2nd spec for pvp. For a stamina based, spammable, high damage ability I would recommend using hidden blade or flying blade from the dual wield tree. It is instant, cheap, ranged and does a fair amount of damage. You should watch this video of a vr10 nightblade in pvp, start watching from minute 11:00 and you can watch his scrolling combat text to see the damage of flying blade and how often he uses it. You should note that in patch 0.180 they increased the stamina cost of flying blade so right now it is somewhat more expensive.
  4. Yes, in the end it always worked. But from my experience and from posts on the beta forum I concluded that the loading screens in Cyrodil were significantly longer (and long load times occured more often). So I do think it has something to do with cyrodil (could be the amount of players in cyrodil). But I think we can all agree that 20+ minutes loading screens are a waste of someone's time. And it is stupid that the only way to not waste your time is to create or log on another character. But, of course this is a temporary inconvenience. The game is still in beta, and they are working on fixing this problem.
  5. Trust me. I tried everything. Yes, sometimes openening and closing the client worked. But most of the time my load screens were 30 min+. Even after closing and opening for 6 times I still had to wait for 30 minutes.
  6. I had exactly the same problem and came to the same conclusion. I hope they were able to fix it. It might have something to do with the fact that it was a stress test.
  7. Wasnt it the other way around? Weapon damage is influenced by weapon power. I believe that you dont have a stat called weapon damage (only the damage on the weapon itself which increases the more weapon power you have). Anyways if you look at the damage formula for weapon abilities than it adds extra damage/max stamina and extra damage/weapon power.
  8. Increased off-hand damage does not inpact skills. Weapon damage has no impact on weapon ability damage (only weapon power and max stamina). The passives of weapon skill lines only work with that weapon. So you will never have to put points in passive from other weapon tree's when you are not going to use that weapon. Esohead is not always accurate. Older spreadsheets say: While dual wielding:- Deal 8% more damage when attacking disabled targets (stunned/immobilized/ disoriented/silenced)
  9. Spell ranks sometimes increase utility or alter the mana cost instead of adding damage. Wowhead shows that the morphed lightning formability has 24/26/28/30% movement speed for spell rank I / II / III / IV respectively.
  10. You buy them from vendors. Empty soul gems are a lot cheaper compared to filled gems. So better use the soul trap spell that you get for free after completing the tutorial to safe some money. Also you get 1 filled soul gem from eahc boss in the instanced dungeons (at least how it was with the first 3 low level dungeons).
  11. I saw a video today where a mage was showing that you could get 102% critt chance without getting that stat overcharged. He used a potion which gave 602 spell critt rating and 602 weapon critt rating (602 critt rating gave +60% critt). And the potion lasted 10 seconds (potions have a 30 sec cooldown. With the +30% duration passive "medicinal use" that could last up to 13 seconds. The mage was an end game mage (vr10 I believe). So you probably wont get any stronger potions than this (unless you have nightblade/argonian passive).
  12. Ok, I will take your word for it. Well, it is a shame they dropped attackspeed and critt by such an amount. Those traits would be so great for my build. But on the other hand it is better this way. Those two traits seemed alot stronger compared to all the other traits. Now we can choose from several viable traits. On a side note, funny how low the value is of a veteran 10 weapon (white/common quality).
  13. Yes you are right. I didnt notice the + or - in this sheet. But I did find out about the negative effects 2 days ago when I was reading other alchemy documents. I just assumed Dionysis made a mistake. Yea I am definitely going to level my alchemy. You can even even reduce the negative effects by 100% with snake blood. blessed thristle Dragon thorn water hyacint This combination will give +weapon power, + weapon critt and + stamina!!
  14. So the 3% critt and 6% attack speed is the maximum value (Veteran rank 10)? Also, are you sure that there is a difference in attack speed between one-handed weapons and two-handed weapons? Thank you for all the great information. It is really helpful for theorycrafting.
  15. It could be the 27% attack speed of the trait only works for the weapon that is enchanted. But that is just a guess. In beta some items had "increases the armor gold of this item", or "increases the armor value of this item. The key word here is "of this item" which isnt stated on the attack speed trait. About the 27% critt value. +27% critt chance just seems way to high for a weapon trait compared to the other values. I assumed they meant only +27% critical strike damage. But if the max value of the trait is lower than 27% (since the lowest value is +3% critt values) it could be both. That is why I hope someone can answer the question in my previous post.
  16. Great post Thal. I know some of the information could be outdated, but I was just wondering how you got the maximum values of weapon and armor traits? Esohead has a crafting simulator, and according to them the value of the traits are a lot lower. You can only see the lowest trait value though, so I do not know what the maximum values will be, but I did not expect your max values to be so high. For instance wheighted for two-handers is +54% attackspeed. That just seems very high. Also the simulator shows that the there is no difference in traits between one-handed weapons and two-handed weapons. For instance "weighted" is 4% attack speed for both one handed weapons and two-handed weapons.
  17. I can already see some strong potions: Mountain flower + Dragon thorn + imp stool = Weapon critt + weapon power + Stamina + armor This is the ideal potion for the bow based khajiit nightblade that I am going to play! Imagine the increase in damage (especially with the passive from the Siphoning tree which increases potion effectiveness by 20%).
  18. Yes, it is done like wowhead. I allready bookmarked it .
  19. I actually just found about about esohead. It is a really good site. I think there should be a special thread about it on this forum. The skill calculator is a very easy tool for theorycrafting, it contains all the morphs, and almost all of the information matches (and has even more information compared to) my beta experience and the nice spreadsheet I used before. And also the crafting simulator is a nice tool.
  20. From a reliable source I got information that the costs depends on how often you use the fast travel option. If you use it several times within a short period of time the cost increases each time you use it.
  21. Are you sure they all look the same? How do you know? That would be a shame. It's not so hard to make keeps a little different. That would be on my list too.
  22. The puzzles in skyrim were awesome!! Duels would really add something to the game and it is not so hard to implement. Also arena would be so awesome. I think back to all the characters I created just for the imperial city arena. Playing against players is even more awesome. The only problem is the balance. Even so, wow arena was the best thing of the whole damned game. I would love all extra pvp implements.
  23. That number is updated -> 10 flame resistance per rank. Which is the same amount as the nords cold resistance. Repulse seemed strong. Maybe they removed it to prevend the mage from having to much aoe (cc) abilities.
  24. I think it does look right. I do not think the teleport strike is op. All the damage numbers of the abilities are lv 1 damage numbers, but remember that the morphs most likely are not. Those morph damage numbers are based on the level of the character at the moment he had the max level of that ability and morphed it. That is why those damage numbers seem so high.
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