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Xalara last won the day on December 10 2013

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  1. yea. April 4th sounds pretty good to me, we can expect open beta in March then PvP Trailer looks amazing !
  2. Yea, kind of, I guess. If you pre-order now, it's just a reservation for when the game releases, since the sellers don't know the release date either Personally, I think April would be a good time! Wouldn't mind march either, though!
  3. pre-orders are already available, though. You can order the game already on amazon and other sites, you could do that for a while now. ZM has been really slow with releasing new information and they have been holding back a lot, so it's really hard to say when they are going to release the game.
  4. The person who asked musclemagic about group setups on facebook was me. I am very aware that Dark Age of Camelot and ESO have pretty different game- and combat mechanics and that you can't compare it 1:1. Still, from what I've seen and from the abilities known to us, I do think that a small, organized group can take down a larger force. Of course, you're not going to defeat a zerg of 50+ people head on, that's pretty much impossible unless you outgear them so hard that you basically oneshot kill everyone of that zerg with singletarget abilities one by one, which, given upscaling of stats in cyrodiil, most likely is never going to happen, no matter how low level the others are. Also the crowdcontrol mechanics are quite different, in Dark Age of Camelot you could mesmerize enemies for up to one minute and at the beginning of the game not many people had the counter ability to this (purge). Later on, that changed in DAoC aswell, though. The only way you will be able to defeat a zerg in ESO is if you surprise them when they're stacked up. When a zerg of an enemy Alliance is raiding a keep, for example. You come in with your group (all on the fastest horses available) and you drop all of your AoE and stun abilities on them and hope it's enough damage output to instantly kill a large amount of people. Now we don't know yet how exactly gear will affect our damage output and the damage of our AoE abilities and wether or not there will be a cap to them, but given the fact that ESO is designed by the same people that designed DAoC's Realm versus Realm system, I do not think that pure AoE damage abilities will have a limit of players they can hit. It would severely strengthen zergs and for the versatility of gameplay in Cyrodiil it wouldn't be a good thing if zerging was the only viable options, and the Devs know that. Some abilities which heal yourself or give you stamina increase based on how many people you hit, yea, they might have a cap of players you can hit with them or a cap of stamina you can get from them. But not every AoE ability in the game is like that. The goal which I am pursuing with my guild is not to kill an enemy zerg head on anyway. I just want to form a strong group of likeminded individuals that can take down larger groups than ourselves. And I do believe that that's possible with the abilities ESOs class system provides. I do think that you can defeat 20+ players with a group of 8-10 skilled individuals. And killing larger amounts if you manage to surprise them while they're stacking up in front of a keep door should be possible aswell if you coordinate it correctly and drop enough AoE on top of them. Yes, on an open battlefield it's a whole different story, and I'm well aware of that
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