I understand what you are saying, however, it did say that the Reachmen ruled Markarth in a just and proper way. Then Ulfric and his guys came along and butchered everybody. I said at first that I support the Nords, but I have to say that there are definitely two sides to this. I mean, sure the Forsworn are savages who worship Daedra but they haven't always been like that and It's certainly not their fault. On the other hand, you've got the "civilized" Nords ruling Markarth. But let's just take a closer look. You've got a young and inexperienced Jarl who can't impose his rule, you've got a family of greedy bastards who have the whole city in their pocket and are never above slaughtering their own citizens just to keep their river of blood and silver flowing, you've got a terrifying mine referred to as a 'prison' which hardly anyone ever gets out of, no matter what his/her crime, etc. Bottom line is, yes, the Forsworn are bastards but it is the Nords who made them into what they are today, the Nords who themselves are far from civilized despite what anybody says.