Dunmer NB/DW+bow/Medium -PvEDW:FlurryAssassin's bladeHasteSiphoning strikesStrifeDeath strokeBow:Mark targetVolleySnipeHasteSiphoning strikesUltimate - undecidedThe strategy for this build is to utilize the DW as main focus, however the bow provides necessary AOE and ranged dps when melee is simply too dangerous. Haste and siphoning strikes are in both hotbars for magika and stam regeneration. Simply pop haste, turn on siphoning strikes, and basic attack away to get your resources back. I also included strife on my main bar for DoT purposes, and because of the passive skill in siphoning that gives ultimate every time a siphoning ability does damage. Before boss fights I would have my bow out first and mark the target, then switch back to melee DW. I would always keep strike up, and burst with flurry until both resource pools are very low. At which point I turn on haste and siphoning strikes to get back up, and awards continue bursting again. This would continue until assassin's blade reaches it's point where it recieves it's damage increase, and then spam that and flurry for as long as I can. Death stroke would be used when ultimate is maxed for maximum damage and single target dps.PvP build - same weapons and armor but different hotbars (same character)DW:Veiled strikeFlurryAssassin's bladeTeleport strikeShadow cloakDeath strokeBow:Mark targetSnipeCrippleAgonyStrifeThis PvP build is slightly different, but has much adaptability. The main focus is on DW if it is possible to get in range and burst down the target relentlessly while also stun locking them as much as possible. No matter what I would start out with my bow and mark the target. In a typical scenario I would then switch to DW and veiled strike the target if at all possible, if not then teleport strike will suffice. While the target is stunned I will get in as many flurries as I can to bring their health down. As soon as the stun ends I would shadow cloak and veiled strike them again, again flurrying them. By this point they should be at very low health and be susceptible to assassin's blade. Death stroke would also be a good finisher if assassin's blade drains magika too low, and would still give magika upon the target's death because it is an assassination ability. Now in a realistic scenario his ranged buddy might be very pissed off that I killed his friend, and start attacking me. This is when I would switch over to my bow, Mark his ass, and DoT him up with strife and cripple. Agony could be used by itself in an oh shit type scenario if I need to get away or if I need to gain resources. It could be used to even get closer without them dealing damage to me, but them getting hurt in the process. After his friend is DoTed up I would switch back to DW and teleport strike to him, repeating single target melee strategy. You may be asking why I have snipe on my bow action bar. This is for an alternative plan if I am with a group of nightblades. We would sneak into hostile areas and take out high priority targets by stealthing, marking the target's, and sniping all at once. This might be a glass canon build but I like to view it as they can't hurt you if they can't see you, that's why there is so much emphasis on shadow cloak and veiled strikeThanks to everyone who stuck around and read it all! Please comment with any questions or criticism if you have any, I would be happy to respond. Tell me what you guys think.