Earl Grey
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Everything posted by Earl Grey
Just make sure to have plenty of movies/tv series ready on a laptop and you will feel much less frustration
This upcoming beta test is specifically to address issues like that. There not changing the beta build just fixing loading screens and wait times. I also had bad luck logging in when my character was logged into cyrodil
After playing pvp in the last beta I definitely plan on having one bar just be my travel/getaway skills since I felt like I had all the tools I needed for combat on one bar but the travel time to keeps under siege felt really long though after players start having fully leveled up horses i'm sure those will be faster My bad I was just quickly looking at the elder souls skill database
Thinking about how OP additional speed can be in some games I was thinking about how to max out movement speed. I don't know what the softcapping is like but it could be a good way to get through content, take elder scrolls, or farm for crafting materials. I'm probably missing some skills/synergies too Orc Sorc 7 med armor Key abilities Lightning form +15% movement speed Bolt Escape - instant transport Retreating maneuvers +30% movement speed and immunity to snares Werewolf transformation + bonus run speed? Key Passives Swift (orc) + 9 % sprint speed, -12% sprint cost Athletic (med armor) +28% sprint speed (4% per piece) Mundus stone - Steed (bonus speed) Enchant all your armor with Divines trait (increases mundus stone effect) Add gear that increasing run speed, stamina regen and magicka regen spread out to avoid softcapping Most of these skills are skills/passives are already good so there is a lot of room to build for whatever you want to do when not running
Through the same 3 dungeons I played as a sorc w/ resto staff using a lot of the same abilities as the narrator. He did a fantastic job calling out the bosses different abilities and highlighting even the subtle synergies of the group. Best combot video of ESO i've seen BY FAR. I definitely saw a couple of those guys from the video on top of the leaderboard in my campaign
That was just my experience with the last beta. I didn't have the winged twighlight abilitie but mages fury was just good for tagging people in larger battles to get more player kills. I'm sure there are plenty of things i could have tuned to be better and same with the people i faced for instance melee nightblades seemed really underpowered but i'm sure they could be built more effectively
My sorc build felt really strong in PvP when I switched to resto staff in both large group and 1v1 situations I used: All light armor w/ resto staff (1/2 health 1/2 magic distribution) Mages fury Daedric Curse Regeneration Grand Healing Encase Storm Atronauch 1v1: Always having regen up heals a ton and if you can just run around in your grand healing circle you're very hard to kill. Daedric curse is incredible efficient damage per mana (used shorter duration morph) used and encase is sooooo unfair against melee (used extended snare morph). I'm sure everyone was playing really bad and suboptimal but the heals and daedric curse out attritioned ranged characters and encase was so good against melee characters I felt really op. large scale pvp was kind of a shit show but the heals worked well to support ppl using siege equipment and daedric curse is great for poking overall when I switched to resto staff I felt like I was doing more damage, moving faster through content and more valuable to groups. I will definitely use a resto staff at launch with my sorc. Maybe I was just using them wrong but the destro staff skills seemed garbage and the attacks didn't seem like they did more damage than resto staff
Pre-Order Bonus: Join Any Faction with Any Race
Earl Grey replied to David's topic in Elder Scrolls Online Discussion
I kind of hate that there will be all races represented in each faction but it might turn out to be a good thing (maybe they were having a hard time balancing roles/population?). I was also hoping the experience rings would not cost extra- 18 replies
- Elder Scrolls Online
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ESO Release News and Predictions
Earl Grey replied to David's topic in Elder Scrolls Online Discussion
http://elderscrollsonline.com/en/news/post/2013/12/11/eso-release-plans-announced Well looks like that settles it Sorry to the console players who have to wait until Junes but I'm pumped! -
Countless hours of Morrowind. Decent amount of Oblivion and Skyrim. I loved the cities and landscape of Morrowind SO much more than the others. Completing all the quests took SOOOO long but I had plenty of time back then
For those who haven't played daoc perhaps you could eleborate
I might be underrating weakness to elements but it doesn't seem that good to me in PVE. It's single target and you'd have to hit them 4 times with your destro staff/elemental abilities before it breaks even with just hitting them 5 times right? I think conjured ward would let you do more damage by beefing up your pets and letting you not have to kite as much through damage mitigation. Bound armor would be good if coonjured ward is too mana intensive. Even though I want my sorc to do huge damage I really don't want to be so squishy I have to run backwards anytime a single mob leaks past my pets
Ya if light/heavy attack pack that much of a punch i'd think tanky/utility ranged destro/resto/bow builds with low mp would be op. The quakecon vid made it look like ranged attack just tickled enemies. @muclemagic I know this is a little off topic from your OP but can you give anymore details/opinions on the strength of basic attacks vs active abilities and what builds you would see using basic attacks more often then not? is there any build you can think of that uses no basic attacks and is that good?
Thinking about the cc weakness and some of the other things you pointed out (thanks for the mages fury update btw) i threw together this revised version. Without all the light armor my castiing costs will be higher and my mana regen will be lower so I'll have to rely on high max mana and dark exchange to replenish. If i can keep up lightning form and immovable much of the time while dealing damage that would be awesome for survivability as well as having extra armor from wearing heavy pieces. I'd want to focus most/all of my armor enchantments towards damage since my goal is still dps and i don't want to turn into just a bad tank. Second ult i decided on storm atronach because when i've got my second bar up i'll probably be running around headless chicken style buffing and healing so it'd be good to have something i can drop and forget about or run around for protection. Negate obv looks awesome but it seems like it might be too expensive and situational to live up to that Breton Sorc w/ 2 light armor pieces 5 heavy armor piecesHP:20 pointsST:0MP:30 points Bar 1Destro StaffActives:Force ShockMages Fury (updated version)Encase Lightning Form ImmovableUlt: Meteor Bar 2Resto StaffActives:Regeneration Surge Conjured Ward Dark ExchangeBolt Escape Ult: Storm Atronach
Oh yes I didn't see that inferno works with the warmth passive so well. That seems really strong
Do you happen to know if there is a minimum number of heavy armor pieces you have to be wearing to use immovable? It seems like such a strong ability that having my sorc wear a piece or two of heavy armor just to use that might be worth it. It would be my only stamina ability so i might be able to keep it up most of the time
Agree the title is a bit elitist @irons I might add dragon blood on your second bar as a self heal and major added HP rejen. Also acts as a mana sink when ash cloud isn't relevant. Dark talons might also be really good for your first bar and might be better than inferno which adds damage but isn't really synergistic with anything. I like immovable a lot I think with that and crit charge it would be hard to stop you from coming at them. You may want to add spell resist to armor in addition to hp regen especially for your second bar
I've been putting off making an actual build since there are so many combinations from the info available. Here is what I came up with for a sorc with a ton of defensive abilities that will have enough mana cost reduction/regeneration to spam mages fury and lightning splash. I put some thoughts at the end as well Breton Sorc w/ 7 light armor piecesHP:20 pointsST:0MP:30 points Ultimate:Meteor - unlocks rank 8instant - 28m range - 150 ultimate - no cooldowndeals 14 fire damagedeals 50% to enemies within 5mknocks enemies back 800cm Bar 1Destro StaffActives: Mages Fury – unlocks rank 1instant – 28m range – 36 magicka – no cooldowndeals 6 shock damageenemies below 20% health take 18 shock damage Lightning Splash – unlocks rank 24instant – 28m range / 4m radius – 52 magickaleaves a pool of lightning for 5s that deals 5 shock damage every 1san ally in the area may activate conduit, instantly shocking enemies for 15 shock damage Repulse – unlocks rank 4instant – 5m radius – 52 magicka – no cooldownnearby enemies are knocked back 6m and snared 45% for 4s Lightning Form – unlocks rank 50instant – self – 56 magicka – no cooldownFor 6stake 40% less damagedeal 2 shock damage to nearby enemies every 1s Encase – unlocks rank 1instant – 15m radius – 80 magicka – no cooldownimmobilize enemies in front of you for 4.5 seconds Bar 2Resto StaffActives: Regeneration – unlocks rank 1instance – 15m radius – 40 magicka – no cooldown- heal nearby ally for 5- heal for an additional 20 over 20s Surge – unlocks rank 34instant – self – 80 magicka – no cooldownFor 17sincrease power by 3 Steadfast Ward - unlocks rank 10instant - self - 80 magicka - no cooldownabsorbs up to 120 damage from the next incoming attacklast 30s Conjured Ward – unlocks rank 50instant – 20m radius – 60 magicka – no cooldowncreate a 24 point damage shield on self and summoned creatures for 20 secondsabsorbs 75% of damage taken Bolt Escape – unlocks rank 4instant – self – 64 magicka – no cooldownstuns nearby enemies for 1.5steleport forward 15m Passive synergies: Prodigy(Light Armor) + Exploitation(Daedric Summonning) = +25% crit chance on enemies affected by daedric magic(encase and repulse)Magicka Master(breton) + Evocation(LA) + Unholy knowledge(Daedric Summoning) = 29% Spell cost reduction and 39% spell cost reduction on lightning spells with expert mage on storm calling tree!Spell Resistance(breton) + Spell Warding(LA) = +120 Spell ResistanceDaedric Protection = +20% health regen while using resto bar on defenceCapacitor(storm calling) + Recovery (LA) = +38% mana regenConcentraion(LA) + Cycle of Life(Resto) + Potency(Mages Guild) = +13%-22% extra spell damageRestoration Master (resto) + Potency (mages Guild) = +10% extra heal The philosophy behind this build would be to maximize the amount of DPS i'm able to do byminimizing the amount of kiting i have to do. I use my large mana pool to stick buffs and HOTs on myself (bar 2 resto staff) at the beginning of combat and then switch to bar 1 (destro staff)to unload cheap offensive spells on them and by then my ultimate will hopefully be high when my manais low so I can finish them off with a few meteors. Switch back to bar 2 if i need to heal and protect myself. I have a lot of mana sinks here but with the huge spell cost reduction huge mana regen i can hopefully keep my mana high enough to have spells like lightning form up all the time fordamage mitigation. If i am having extra mana in combat I would maybe include bound armor in bar 1 orthe breton ulti(dragon skin) which is like a mana shield i think, instead of meteor. This build might be weak to CC but maybe spell resistance counters some of that effect? I put destruction staff for bar 1 since it seems like a natural fit and the status effects of the heavy attacks mightcome in handy but honestly none of the skills seemed better that the Sorceror skills and the passives dont synergize at all so i don't even know if i would put any points in it... At that point just using a shield might be better since it would 1: Add to the potency of my existing light armor passives as another LA piece and 2: Increase my armor and addextra enchantment bonuses