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Morathi III

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    New-Brunswick, Canada

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. High elf/ nightblade shadow/ two weapon fighting with dagger has main/ medium armorThis fit appear pretty cool
  2. We can all arg about which class is the best, personnaly i feel they have bring a good balance except for the wood elf its simply trash has hell!!
  3. For who know the game Dust514 ( the MMO FPS of Eve online ) i was a ground commander for a coorporation in the Planetery conquest after editing the role and the strategy to adopt i always use a kind of ' kill all this fucking scrubs!!! ' just to make a big laugh and relax other in the beginning of battle i actually think its the best option and never forget a game is for fun even in competition
  4. Did you know how will be the Health/stamina/magic stats at lvl1?
  5. Hi guys, i watched some forum and i founded eldersouls the most interesting. I have played Elder scrolls series since Morrowind. I will definitively playing ESO with PS4 when the game release. Yes, im a console gamer hope its not a problem. I will play for the aldmeri dominion faction has an Altmer probably a Nightblade with shadow class. Im from Quebec so please excuse my english if i make some mistake .
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