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Everything posted by raar

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf5LjypWZNs&feature=player_detailpage#t=634
  2. Not 1200 for sure. As for sets, i have seen some interesting ones. I remember: while blocking, gain 100 armor rating; summoning spells have 50% longer duration; no speed penalty while sneaking; 10% more crit chance for magic attacks, while sneaking; 10% to fill a soulgem; cost of werewolf transform reduced by 33%; 5% to reflect ranged attack while blocking; xx increased crit damage while sneaking(or mb invisible); gain xx magika after receiving xx damage. From what i've seen, item amount needed to complete a set goes from 3 to 7, having 0-1 additional bonuses for partially complete set, which seem to use enchant pool bonuses.
  3. 1. No 2. Yes, enchants are specific to item slot, not type. For example: +xx damage can be on jewelry and gloves. 3. I have seen only one, and i can't really imagine possibility to have 2, unless on some unique/legendary/artifact items, but i doubt it. Enchants you have seen on the shield is one enchant giving 2 bonuses. 4. Enchants are not to diverse. There are hp/stam/magica ofc, resists, elemental damage, sneak(sneak radius+sneak cost), blocking(block cost + mitigation), defensive roll cost, sprint(reduced cost and increased speed), phys damage(mentioned above), combat stamina(health, magika) regeneration(flat numbers around 10 at lvl 50). Also there are some proc weapon enchants, i can remember only the one that has chance to boost your power. But set bonuses are really diverse and will be core part of any build.
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