Early this morning, to the great excitement of its fans, ZeniMax announced the release dates for its upcoming title The Elder Scrolls Online. To get right to the point, PC and Mac will see the game on April 4th, 2014 (or 4.4.14), with it later coming to PS4 and Xbox One sometime in June, 2014. This split release date seems to be a confirmation of their earlier promise that the game had not and would not see its release date pushed back to accommodate the console port. In the announcement, Matt Firor also wrote of his gratitude towards the fan base, specifically mentioning an enormous growth in the number of beta applicants -300,000 in November, which took the total number to approximately 4 million- as an indicator of rising interest in ESO worldwide. Well, there you have it folks. Take off from work, stock up the fridge, and cancel any plans. What do you think about the release date announcement? Are you surprised that the consoles are releasing slightly later? Will the difference in release dates change your platform decision at all? Let us know all about it in the comment section below!