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  1. High Elf (Tankish for all pve groups) Temple build 5 heavy - 1 med - 1 light 40% health 20% stamina 40% magicka bar #1 (fighting bar) "1h & shield" (U) nova restoring aura focused charge blinding light puncture sun fire bar #2 support bar "restoration staff" (U) rite of passage rushed ceremony cleansing ritual force siphon backlash rune focus - Creates an area of self protection, gaining immunity to interrupt effects and taking less damage while the effect lasts.
  2. The devs aready said they are not going award points for "Keep Flipping" and we know they dont like the ideal of "kill stealing". It is good they will have a daily board that is updated hourly, which will make it easier to see which actives give the most points.
  3. Early this morning, to the great excitement of its fans, ZeniMax announced the release dates for its upcoming title The Elder Scrolls Online. To get right to the point, PC and Mac will see the game on April 4th, 2014 (or 4.4.14), with it later coming to PS4 and Xbox One sometime in June, 2014. This split release date seems to be a confirmation of their earlier promise that the game had not and would not see its release date pushed back to accommodate the console port. In the announcement, Matt Firor also wrote of his gratitude towards the fan base, specifically mentioning an enormous growth in the number of beta applicants -300,000 in November, which took the total number to approximately 4 million- as an indicator of rising interest in ESO worldwide. Well, there you have it folks. Take off from work, stock up the fridge, and cancel any plans. What do you think about the release date announcement? Are you surprised that the consoles are releasing slightly later? Will the difference in release dates change your platform decision at all? Let us know all about it in the comment section below!
  4. If this was a poll, I would guess open beta in Feb/2014 if all goes well with stress testing for Mega server; then release in April/2014
  5. I hope they hold off until they have the adventure zones perfectly balanced for a smooth release, will save a lot of headaches after the launch trying to patch something that important to the success of the game!
  6. I have not been in beta yet , but what everyones says each Ultimate is its own spell ; so I would think you could put the same Ultimate on each task bar even if you dont have the same weapon type.
  7. I would have to say, the devs set templars as healers because it has to do with balancing class issues. They may have been OP when given to many skills options during their past test?
  8. You can download or install the game on multi computers, but what you wont be able to do is play at the same time. The problem will show up because you will have to put in the same eso game code each time you install it. I think a clear way to think about it is, "You only have one account for all 5 characters slots that we may get". So if you really want to have 5 accounts you would have to have 5 different game codes and pay for 5 monthly fees.
  9. A question if anyone can answer please? One of the medium armor passive is: Improved Sneak [*]-5% sneak detection area per piece of equipped Medium Armor. What does that do exactly? Example: If I have sneak skill maxed and I am wearing (7 piece) medium set can I walk up to a mob and back-stab without being detected if they don't use "mage light"?
  10. very good is there a place or list where I can see all the ranks we get class skills?
  11. Would it be to much to ask , if you could include (if known) what levels we get each skill; Later you could input what level the morph come at at? I know most of the best skills are level 50, so would I assume that the morphs for these would come when we are doing 50+ and 50++ content? I guess I am trying to use your table as a ESO skill building flow, sweet job!
  12. Thanks This great news (why I asked the questions) , I was planning on being a NB and hoping to wear full medium armor .... What I am planning now is to have 3 sets of medium armor (maybe different lore types/maybe not) . The differances between the sets will be the enchantments. Example: one full medium set could have as much power % as I can apply, while another full medium set would have 50 or 70 extra magicka reg per sec. While the last full medium set would have 50 to 70 health reg per sec, which should allow me to use DW/Bow or Bow/2h (on boss fights) without having to worry using a resto staff.
  13. Thank you all the information provided really helps , and I do understand that the game is still in beta and subject to change before released. one more question if you remember, Are there any enchantments or jewelry that give % base results?
  14. Thanks everyone for providing your comments, discussions and yes calm debates. Your opinions give everyone that reads this site a superior starting point (once we can all get into beta) over being a reader of the other Elders Scrolls Online per-launch sites. I do have a few questions: 1) Can someone explain how the potions work in ESO, will there be a 10, 20 or 30 sec cool down before being able to take another potions ? 2) I am assuming that consuming food will have a longer effect than most potions, but do the effects stack? 3) Can someone give me the numbers on how the same type enchantment on gear will stack? Example - If I am wearing 5 pieces of medium armor and have stamina reg on all of them?
  15. Remember hit the healers hard, fast, and often
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