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More-Oh-Wind last won the day on October 4 2013

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  1. Physical Imperial FTW. Gimme dat map bitch Gimme dat soundtrack bitch Gimme dat statue bitch
  2. My bets are that it will be rated Teen. No emphasis on drugs./ alcohol. No blood and Gore. But plenty of dark themes and more mature topics to go around. Probably darker than most M rated games in general.
  3. Meh, either way we have 2 months for the PC kids to play the release version, and us Ps4 kiddies will get the month 1 and 2 patches on release (hopefully it would be silly to have to play through the same glitches that they fixed in the months prior release.
  4. I'm going to let you all guess what my most played Elder Scrolls Game is... MORROWIND! In fact if I'd like anything from ESO is simply MORE-oh-wind. The Oh-wind is the mystical force that Bethesda harnessed to make TES3 ermazing! I played the unholy shit out of that game. I played it at a friends house and it totally transformed my gaming life. I bougt Morrowind 1 month before I could afford an Xbox (why buy an xbox if you can't play Morrowind on it?) and read the instruction manual cover-to-cover the whole time, imagining all the spells and everything, and when I finally got to playing it, it was even more amazing than I could have possibly imagined. Just to put it all into perspective I had one (of many dozens and dozens of characters) who legitimately maxxed everything out. It took forever, but he was an utter bad-ass. I will always be fond of that game. (uh I also played Oblivion and Skyrim) But some of the magic has been lost in recent iterations. In Skyrim I tinkered with a couple of characters, but eventually I just settled on one character who just explored the world, and didn't really bother with towns and quests etc. Also the Shield tree > all others in terms of fun. Unlimited sneak at a full sprint???? Only with a shield
  5. fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap *reads emperor skill line* *shits self* Oh god, I'm shitting all over myself! Aughhh so embarrassing D: *reads Undaunted skill line* *vomits profusely* Huuuughhhhlllll sooooo goooood!!! Huuurrrrrllllllrrrlrlrlggggghhh *reads new morphs* Ohh god,, I'm cumming, raarrrrllllrarrllll, it won't stop spraying!!! *trys to point away from monitor* OH GOD IT SHATTERED THE WINDOW!!! NO IT GOT ON THE OLD LADY OUTSIDE NOOOOO, BUT SILL SOO GOOD NEWWW INFOOOZZZZZ *finished cumming, then goes back to toilet to continue shitting and vomiting*
  6. NOOO MY PRECIOUS STAMINA REGEN ON A KHAJIIT!!! Doesn't make sense IMO, but I'm sure it does from a AvAvA battle scenario
  7. Hope they add additional morphs as expansions go out to give even more variety/ flavor
  8. Met a girly that plays TES. Best day evar! We'll totes play ESO 2gether
  9. I generally spend anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours on character creation
  10. Your link goes to a blog that doesn't have the full article, only a link to a ljnk to it (unless I'm just stupid). Please hyperlink to: http://elderscrollsonline.com/en/news/post/2013/10/21/ask-us-anything-variety-pack-9
  11. HP: 20 Mag: 0 Stam: 29 Gear: Head: Glass: Magick Resist Chest: Curiass of the savior's hide??? Pauldrons: Glass: Sprint Legs: Glass: Dodge Boots: Glass: Dodge Glove 1: Glass: Power Glove 2: Glass: Crit Amulet: Resist Magicka Ring: Resist Magicka Ring: Rsist Magicka Dagger: Mehrunes Razor -or- Fire/ ice/ lightning dagger Shield: Improved Blocking 2nd setup Lightning Axe Resist Magicka Shield Plan: Run up, pivot around enemy with a buncha quick stabs, dodge out of combat, dodge back in. Shield charge like a mofo. Stun, slash, slash, slash *sneak* BACKSTAB!!!!! Dodge out, sprint away, hide. If this works like Skyrim at all, I plan to be a big pain in the ass in combat. And if I can get my defenses high enough to withstand blows on my shield, I'll forgo more health for much more stamina. If it works like Skyrim I really enjoyed playing a glass tank. Yes that's right. Super beefy defense with low HP. And all that extra stam for running around and doing a lot of power attacks with a dagger.
  12. I'm probably going to the PS4. So muscles you'll see me there. I have no idea what my PSN could be yet... I went PS1, then Xbox, then 360, but the PS4 looks like it'll win me back. That being said I might build a PC solely for this game if my room8s also build pc rigs. But I REALLY hope they effectively use the PS4 touchpad. Have you tried it out yet? It's actually legit and not at all gimmicky
  13. I wanna be a khajiit. Then I can haz cheezburger. then I'll pop out liek a c-ling cat and go. I hav eated ur head lolz hmmm.... floor(pi)
  14. Nightblade Assasin Tank Assination with hast/ blur Sword and Board Medium Armor - max stamina Durability and tear sh* up Bow - secondary - Shadow Night blade Sneaky DPS build
  15. You're welcome! Just glad to shed some light on two of my favorite topics. Hope to see you online on ESO. I haven't had the chance to play it, but the new stuff coming out gives me the shivers. I am really excited for the pvp. Especially seeing the archer on top of the castle poking his head out to blast a couple of arrows as a warrior down below then pops out, and BAM! that warrior has a destruction staff he's blasting electricity back at him.
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