HP: 20 Mag: 0 Stam: 29 Gear: Head: Glass: Magick Resist Chest: Curiass of the savior's hide??? Pauldrons: Glass: Sprint Legs: Glass: Dodge Boots: Glass: Dodge Glove 1: Glass: Power Glove 2: Glass: Crit Amulet: Resist Magicka Ring: Resist Magicka Ring: Rsist Magicka Dagger: Mehrunes Razor -or- Fire/ ice/ lightning dagger Shield: Improved Blocking 2nd setup Lightning Axe Resist Magicka Shield Plan: Run up, pivot around enemy with a buncha quick stabs, dodge out of combat, dodge back in. Shield charge like a mofo. Stun, slash, slash, slash *sneak* BACKSTAB!!!!! Dodge out, sprint away, hide. If this works like Skyrim at all, I plan to be a big pain in the ass in combat. And if I can get my defenses high enough to withstand blows on my shield, I'll forgo more health for much more stamina. If it works like Skyrim I really enjoyed playing a glass tank. Yes that's right. Super beefy defense with low HP. And all that extra stam for running around and doing a lot of power attacks with a dagger.