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Everything posted by StarTrip56

  1. Yes, yes it is! And I see your avatar is the colossal titan haha. I approve of Eren x Mikasa lol nothing wrong with it since they are not blood related xD. So what other anime have you watched? Hey Fergy haha. Anways, really wished that I stook around til the very end. I felt bad for going inactive after everyone's hard work. But school is school and real life must be taken care of first. Wow there are over 100+ guests everyday on these forums!
  2. Hey guys! Long time no see Just came to say HI and maybe even stick around with this site, even though im not a Skyrim player myself. Any League of Legends players out there? Some of you may remember me. But for those whose memories are fogged or if this was the first time of us meeting, allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Christopher, but my friends just call me Chris if that's fine with you all. Now, some of you that may read this may not know the history of the makers of this site. Originally we were members of a clan named The Runescape Rebelz in the game of RuneScape. I started playing RuneScape around mid 2006. I eventually incquire to join a clan on a helpful RuneScape site and eventually found Traggy's reply about The RuneScape Rebelz. I started out like any regular clan newbie, attending events and etc. The community was great, filled with people that would cheer you up when you are down. Eventually I became part of one of the most successful recruitment teams in the history of the clan. Consisting Of Fergal, Muzic, and myself we pulled in several members per weak at the pinacle of our time. However the inevitable event of activity decline started to occur as back to school commercials started to run on TV. As soon as school started I became very inactive and so did the other members of the clan. The next summer I reappeared on RuneScape to find out that most of the friends I made in the clan have either disappeared or quit. I then went to the clan some ex-Rebelz made, Legacy of Legends. I again became a recruitment team member and eventually rose to Council. Activity was high. But history repeats itself as the summer rolls to a close and school begins to start. But for me this was different. I would be starting out freshman year in one of the most vigorously academic high schools in Houston, Texas. With the competition among students high, I had to completely rid myself of any distractions and focus on school work. And that's when I was last heard from again. Until now. So guys how have you been? Me? Well, I am doing really well. I started to eventually play RuneScape again this summer after I heard about RuneScape 3 coming out. While I read my summer reading books I chopped down some Yews effectively making some gp. I won't be getting mems anytime soon tho lol. Last summer I began playing League of Legends and now am Lvl 30 Silver Division V. I'm also doing pretty well in school since then! I am about to start my Junior Year. It's really nice to see you all again
  3. A great read indeed. Brings so many feels back. Haha do remember that day when I logged on to find myself being messaged by a TRR member. I do gotta say, I miss those active times of the clans. If I could turn back the hands of time I would. If school never got in the way I would of still been around. Thanks Fergz for mentioning me haha xD Great to see everyone is still keeping in touch
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