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  1. What they should had done was: Elder Scrolls Online Imperial Edition: Game; Statue; Map of the alliances; Behind the Scenes; Soundtrack; Art book. And they shoulda saved the imperial race to when they launch the imperial city. I im still going to buy the Imperial edition, but oh well.
  2. About the cash shop... it's only to change the name and things like that, not buy items, skills etc. It's kinda missjudge.
  3. My friend is stuck on "Requesting character load". Anyone else?
  4. A friend of mine that was invited is having a strange "bug". When he puts his username and password on the login screen it says the information is incorrect, but he can login with the exact same account information in the account.elderscrollsonline.com Is that a bug? When he tryed yesterday it simply said that the realm wasnt available, can you guys check if the same thing happens to you all? Cheers.
  5. I understand and im fine with that. The only thing i have to say is that you take in count the real people devoted to this project (such as myself) and choose the right persons to give the 2 keys, not to a guy that will sell it right away. You have great power in your hands, and has Mr Parker said: "with great power comes great responsibility" Thanks for doing this giveaway. Cheers.
  6. I couldnt get any key and ive registred two times. Im always looking up to new information everyday and makes me really sad that a random guy gets a beta key and i dont. Really sad indeed. irons, if you could spare a key i would be very grateful. Cheers.
  7. "I predict that a lot of people will decide that it did when it doesn't set the whole world on fire." This says everything. If this game doesnt "set the world on fire" it will flop. I think dont even know the meaning of the word "flop", but ok. Wildstar, for example got the same suscription model as TESO and i dont see the half of the hate to that game as it did for ESO, and for me it looks like any other MMO (okay wildstar have player housing, so what?) I really think that Zenimax will provide a great game, but that's just my opinion tough.
  8. Well, it's very hard to say only one ... Justice system, Housing, Thieves guild, Dark Brotherhood, Imperial city... The options are endless, and that's why i will be staying with ESO for a long, long time.
  9. I would like to see some pvp footage guys, hope you can deliver that to us. Cheers.
  10. I give my guild wars 2 account for a key to this weekends test. Please, no trolls. Best Regards.
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